When A Triggered Leftist Learns That the U.S. Supreme Court Will Hear Camp Constitution’s Christian Flag Lawsuit

Since September of 2017 when Liberty Counsel http://lc.org sent a demand letter to the City of Boston, we have received our share of vile comments via E-mail, Facebook, on-line posts, and even a few phone calls.  Of course, the positive comments greatly outweighed the negative.

As I was deleting some of my old messages from my cell phone, I discovered the one linked below.  It was received on September 30, 2021, the day that the U.S. Supreme Court decided to hear our case.  The story has made national and international news.  I thought that I would upload the triggered Leftist’s comment on our Podomatic page and convert to a video.to demonstrate the mindset of those opposed to us and our worldview.  If this tirade was anything other than anti-Christian, it would be considered a hate crime which would draw national media attention.   Warning:  It contains vile language.  At the end of the message, the man gives out his phone number and encourages me to call him.  I did not return the call and I explain why in the short recording.  I do not urge anyone listening to this message to call him.  I do, however, encourage that you pray for him.

Audio version:
