Should a child be forced to attend a public school that will turn him into a functional illiterate? Since no public school will guarantee that a child will be taught to read in a manner that will help him achieve high literacy, why should a parent send a child to that kind of school? Indeed, why should compulsory school attendance laws force parents to do something that wil1 harm their children? It is assumed by the vast majority of Americans that the issue of compulsory school attendance is a settled matter, part and parcel of every civilized nation-state, and a prerequisite of a democratic society.
We all acknowledge that a representative form of government requires an educated electorate for its survival. But what happens when that government’s schools no longer know how to teach children to read and write, when those schools turn children not into civilized citizens, but into barbarians? What happens when millions of parents feel compelled to remove their children from government schools in order to make sure that their children do get an education? What happens is that the basic premises of compulsory attendance and government education come into question. The glaring fact is that despite our compulsory attendance laws, we now have more illiteracy and more ignorance among Americans than before such laws were enacted. The first compulsory school attendance law was passed in Massachusetts in 1852 and by 1918 every state in the Union had such a law. Yet, the fact is that these laws have merely increased the amount of time children spend in school, not the amount of learning or knowledge they acquire.
The Way It Was To find out how much better educated Americans were before compulsory attendance laws and government schools existed, all we have to do is read DuPont de Nemours’ fascinating little book, National Education in the United States of America, published in 1812. He writes:
“The United States are more advanced in their educational facilities than most countries. They have a large number of primary schools; and as their paternal affection protects children from working in the fields, it is possible to send them to the school-master–a condition which does not prevail in Europe. “Most young Americans, therefore, can read, write and cipher. Not more than four in a thousand arc unable to write legibly–even neatly .. .. “England, Holland, the Protestant Cantons of Switzerland more nearly approach the standard of the United States, because in those countries the Bible is read; it is considered a duty to read it to children; and in that form of religion the sermons and liturgy in the language of the people tend to increase and formulate ideas of responsibility. Controversy also has developed argumentation and has thus given room for the exercise of logic. “In America, a great number of people read the Bible, and all the people read a newspaper. The fathers read aloud to their children while breakfast is being prepared–a task which occupies the mothers for three quarters of an hour every morning. And as the newspapers of the United States are filled with all sorts of narratives… they disseminate an enormous amount of information.”
Obviously, back in the very early days of this republic, education was a family affair closely connected to religious practice. A nation built on Biblical principles had to ba a highly literate one. In addition, all of this education was achieved without any government involvement, without any centralized educational bureaucracy, without any professors of education, or accrediting agencies or teacher certification. And, most significantly, without any compulsory attendance laws. The Way It Is Contrast that happy picture of complete educational freedom and high literacy with the present situation in which the State has assumed the function of educator, at great expense to the taxpayer, with all sorts of laws and regulations forcing the population to patronize a system that is turning out functional illiterates by the millions.
According to an article in the Spring 1989 issue of Education Canada, published by the Canadian Education Association:
“It is currently estimated that one million Canadians are almost totally illiterate and another four million are termed ‘functionally illiterate.’ In the United States these figures are estimated respectively at 26 million and 60 million.”
Both Canada and the United States have had compulsory attendance laws for decades. The purpose of these laws was to make certain that every child was educated. The laws were particularly aimed at the children of the poor, and yet it is they who have suffered the most at the hands of government education. Even Secretary of Education Cavazos, in 1989, admitted in the frankest terms that the government education system was failing the American people. In his sixth annual report card on American schools, he repeated the well-known litany of failures that still plague American education: declining SAT scores, declining interest in math and science, declining literacy, and a soaring dropout rate in Washington, DC. He said that we were still wallowing in a ‘tide of mediocrity,” and that “we must do better or perish as the nation we know today.”
Has anything changed since 1989? Yes, it has all gotten worse. In fact, it was an alarming report on American literacy issued in 2007 by the National Endowment for the Arts that informed Americans that the reading problem had deteriorated further since Secretary Cavazos issued his own alarming assessment. The chairman of the Endowment, Dana Gioia, stated: ‘This is a massive social problem. We are losing the majority of the new generation. They will not achieve anything close to their potential because of poor reading.” The Endowment report revealed that the number of 17-year-olds who never read for pleasure increased from 9 percent in 1984 to 19 percent in 2004. Almost half of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 never read books for pleasure. Why? Because reading has become a painful, tortuous exercise that they wish to avoid. The simple truth is that literacy is not at all difficult to achieve, provided the schools use the right phonetic teaching methods. Indeed, the home-school movement has already proven that parents can actually do a better job of teaching reading than our high-priced professionals. It has also been shown that children progress better academically when taught at home, and that the cost of educating a child at home is less than $1,000 a year.
So why do we need compulsory attendance laws? We need them so that the ruling liberal elite can dumb down the population and make sure they can’t read. For proof of this, listen to the words of Professor Anthony G. Oettinger of Harvard University, given in a lecture to an audience of Telecom executives in 1982:
“The present ‘traditional’ concept of literacy has to do with the ability to read and write. But the real question that confronts us today is: How do we help citizens function well in their society? How can they acquire the skills necessary to solve their problems? “Do we, for example, really want to teach people to do a lot of sums or write in ‘a fine round hand’ when they have a five-dollar hand-held calculator or a word processor to work with? Or, do we really have to have everybody literate–writing and reading in the traditional sense–when we have the means through our technology to achieve a new flowering of oral communication? “What is speech recognition and speech synthesis all about if it does not lead to ways of reducing the burden on the individual of the imposed notions of literacy that were a product of nineteenth century economics and technology? .. “It is the traditional idea that says certain forms of communication, such as comic books are ‘bad.’ But in the modem context of functionalism, they may not be all that bad.”
I doubt that there are any parents in America who send their children to school to learn to read comic books. If anything, they want their children to be taught to read and write in the traditional manner. They don’t consider learning to read as a “burden imposed on the individual.” Rather, if taught in the proper phonetic manner, learning to read becomes a joyful experience for children eager to expand the use of their minds and language.
Although the compulsory attendance laws were enacted to make sure that everyone learned to read, their new application by the likes of Professor Oettinger and his liberal colleagues is to make sure that the population can be controlled and manipulated by schools that serve the agenda of the ruling elite. There is no longer any need for compulsory attendance laws since the ruling class no longer believes that literacy is for everyone, the poor and the rich. In reality, the compulsory attendance laws are the linchpin in the plan for a socialist world government. Such laws have been used by every modern dictator to control the people and mold the minds of the children. Such laws are not only not needed in a free society, but ultimately lead to its demise.
We are reposting this blog from 2021:
Camp Constitution was honored to participate in the Tri-County Republicans’ candlelight vigil that took place in Alton Village, Alton, NH to commemorate the terrorist attack on 9-11, and the recent tragic deaths of American servicemen and women at the Kabul Airport. The event was led by Priscilla Terry, director of the Tri-County Republicans, and the speakers included Greg Anthes, Ric Perrault, and Jason English. Mr. Russ Sample led the attendees in “America the Beautiful” “God Bless America,” and “Amazing Grace.” Pastor Sam Hollo of the Community Church of Alton offered the prayer.
For more information on the Tri-County Republicans:
Back in February, we became aware that the well-funded Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has placed Camp Constitution on its infamous “Hate Map” listings us an anti-government group. However, they have us listed in Charlotte, North Carolina.
We went to the website of SPLC explaining to them that we are a New Hampshire based organization and they need to make a correction. We added that an organization that receives millions of dollars from scared white liberals and woke corporations should be able to afford staffers that could have easily verified our proper address. We explained that our camp manager, who formerly resided in Rindge, NH moved to Charlotte a number of years ago, and the only reason why his address is on the website is due to the fact that he manages the applications for our annual family camp. We told SPLC that he is an elderly man living with his wife, and we didn’t want them to be targets of some of SPLC’s more violent supporters. Back in 2012, one of SPLC’s supporters Floyd Le Corkins II tried to conduct a mass shooting of the D.C. based Family Research Council because SPLC had the group on their hate map. We received an acknowledgement of our message, but they took no action.
Yesterday, Thursday September 5, 2024, I placed a call to SPLC asking them to make a correction. (Sadly, as mentioned in an earlier blog, our camp manager, co-founder, friend and mentor, Charlie Everett passed away.) Here is an audio of that call and conversation: My conversation with the SPLC staffer begins at about 5:01.
While there are indeed many hate groups, most of which are on the Left side of the political spectrum and not included in the SPLC’s hate map, SPLC lumps legitimate hate groups like Neo-Nazis with hundreds of conservative and Chrisitan groups whose only crime is to be hated by the Marxists who run the SPLC. We think Camp Constitution was placed on the SPLC’s hate list due to our lawsuit against the City of Boston which we won in a 9-0 U.S. Supreme Court decision
We consider is a badge of honor to be listed by the SPLC and say to like-minded groups -with tongue in cheek have not made the list: “You need to hate harder.” We also want to acknowledge that the Granite Grok is on the SPLC’s hate map.
Our late friend and mentor Sam Blumenfeld authored over 12 books but his most important in my opinion, was his Alpha-Phonics. Since the creation of the Sam Blumenfeld Archives, thousands of people around the world but mainly in the United States have downloaded this book. When visiting the archives and clicking onto the link to Alpha-Phonics, this letter comes up:
” Welcome to the “Alpha-Phonics workbook by Samuel L. Blumenfeld. This book has been used by thousands of parents who have taught their children to be excellent readers, which includes my children. It is arranged in 128 easy to follow lessons. Sam rightfully pointed out that pictures of puppets popping out of trash cans are not needed to teach children how to read. This book may also be used for adults who have been taught the whole word or look-say method and therefore are functionally illiterate.
While this is a free resource, we would like to be able to make this resource known far and wide. A donation of $3.00 would go a long way, and you can donate more to help our cause, too. Go to to acquire it. Additional donations to the Camp can be made via your PayPal account accessed from our website’s homepage:
Hal Shurtleff, Director Camp Constitution
We encourage readers to share this resource far and wide. Hard copies are available via our on-line shop: Alpha-Phonics By Sam Blumenfeld |
The Daily Mail and other media outlets recently reported that we have experienced the 2nd warmest July in history, and we should expect a warmer than usual fall. But our friend Tony Heller from Real Climate Science exposes the story in this short video “Second Fakest July On Record”:
This list I have compiled isn’t in any particular order, except the last book, and are just a handful of many books that may reenforce, challenge and/or change the readers’ worldview. All of them are either in print and/or available on Amazon except one which have been banned by Amazon but available from its publisher.
Richard Nixon The Man Behind the Mask
As a young junior high school conservative, I defended Richard Nixon against my liberal classmates. At the age of twenty-nine, a friend loaned me Nixon: The Man Behind the Mask by Gary Allen. Allen points out that Nixon was not a conservative to say the least. Under the Nixon Administration, we got the unconstitutional Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which has wreaked havoc on American manufacturing. He opened up Communist China which eventually led, not only to diplomatic recognition, but to Communist China’s global dominance. Nixon allowed technological transfers to the Soviet Union making it possible for the Soviets make nuclear missiles with multiple warheads. After reading the book, I stopped defending Nixon. This book opened my eyes to the influence and power of what is now known as the Deep State.
The Best Enemy Money Can Buy:
This book, written by Professor Anthony Sutton of the Hoover Institute, documents how elements in our U.S. government have been funding, aiding, and abetting The Soviet Union even before the Bolshevik Revolution. We are still aiding and abetting our enemies. Sutton wrote a series of books that I also recommend including Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler and Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution.
Memoirs by David Rockefeller
Published in 2002, Memoirs, is an autobiography of David Rockefeller whom I consider one of evilest Americans that lived in the last 100 years. (Armand Hammer, Henry Kissinger, and Zbigniew Brzezinski are three more.) Why do I draw that conclusion? In David’s own words from his biography:
“For more than a century, ideological extremists, at either end of the political spectrum, have seized upon well-publicized incidents, such as my encounter with Castro, to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal, working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists,’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years……It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.”
Rockefeller makes an admission of treason, but the Department of Justice wasn’t interested in prosecuting him.
The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin
I had the honor of helping to sponsor a speaking tour of the author back in the mid-1990s. This powerful and well documented book exposes how the Federal Reserve Bank was created in complete secrecy. It explains how the Fed creates money out of thin air, how it manipulate the economy, how it is an instrument of war, and that the Fed is not an arm of the U.S. government but a cartel between bankers-not your local bank, however- and the government.
The Health Hazards of Homosexuality
This book, like most books that present factual info on this subject, have been banned from Amazon. Most Americans have been bullied into silence lest they be accused of being called some type of “phobe” with new phobias being minted on a regular basis. We are not supposed to bring up facts like those who engage in unsafe sexual practices generally have shorter lifespans that those who don’t. Indeed, we are told by governments at all levels that we must celebrate these lifestyles and governments are spending millions of dollars doing just that. Thankfully, those that lead this movement have been experiencing some pushback. A book like this will help those pushing back with much needed information. The book is available from Mass Resistance:
Death by Government by R.J. Rummel
This book, authored by a liberal professor from the University of Hawaii, demonstrates the deadliness of government. Professor Rummel proves that more people have been murdered by totalitarian governments in the 20th century in peacetime than in all of the wars of the 20th Century. Professor Rummel coined the word “democide.”
Tornado In a Junkyard
This book, authored by a friend and a former atheist, and written in layman’s terms, refutes evolution, one the most destructive ideas that mankind has faced leading to the loss of faith in God. While Mr. Perloff doesn’t claim that all evolutionists are racist, he shows the readers its racist roots. Perloff also points out that evolution influenced Joe Stalin leading him to reject Christianity and embrace communism.
Christianity and the Constitution The Faith of Our Founding Fathers
Colonel John Eidsmoe, a friend and Constitutional attorney, refutes the argument that the framers of the U.S Constitution were deists. He makes the case that John Calvin was one of the founders of the United States. Calvin, of course, lived long before the U.S. but his Biblical concept of innate depravity led to the founders to have a separation of powers. Colonel Eidsmoe contents that the U.S. Constitution could only have been written by those with a Christian worldview. John Adams affirms Colonel Eidsmoe when he said the U.S. Constitution is for a “moral and religious” people.
Black Rednecks and White Liberals
This book is an antidote for self-loathing whites who believe that our nation’s founders were all white supremacist who invented slavery. Professor Thomas Sowell, now a nonagenarian, writes that slavery has been around since recorded history and that it wasn’t until close to the end of slavery was racism used to justify it. He also explains how Muslins introduced slavery to Black Africa and Great Britian, and the United States had a leading role in ending slavery. I also recommend his YouTube channel:
Debunking Howard Zinn Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation against America
Mary Grabar, a Camp Constitution instructor, exposes the blatant anti-Americanism promoted by Howard Zinn. Zinn’s book, Peoples History of the US. has been used in our nation’s government schools to promote a hatred of our nation and its history. Zinn has a particular hatred of Christopher Columbus Mary sets the record straight on the great explorer.
The U.S. Constitution
While not a book, it is something that most elected officials, especially those at the federal level, don’t want you to read this because it will show that they, while claiming to uphold it, have been spending most their political careers, violating it. Don’t believe me? Just get on a mailing list of any of our federal elected officials. Almost everything they brag about in their E-mails is blatantly unconstitutional, but they know that the vast majority of the voters know nothing about the proper role of members of Congress. (For a free pocket copy of the U.S. Constitution, E-mail me at
The Bible
I put this book, which I believe is the Inspired Word of God, last because it is the most important. For centuries, enemies of God have done their utmost to keep it from you. There are at least 52 countries-Muslim and Communist-where the Bible is illegal. While it is still legal in Western Europe, and Canada, one can go to jail for proclaiming some of the teaching of the Bible. I will let some of our nation’s founders make the case for the Bible:
“The Bible contains the most profound philosophy, the most perfect morality, and the most refined policy that ever was conceived upon earth.” John Adams
“[The Bible] is of all books in the world that which contributes most to make men good, wise, and happy.” John Quincy Adams
“Were you to ask me to recommend the most valuable book in the world, I should fix on the Bible as the most instructive, both to the wise and ignorant.”” Elias Boudinot, President of the Continental Congress, and Director of the U.S. Mint
“Let us therefore persevere steadfastly in distributing the Scriptures far and near, and without note or comment. We are assured that they ‘are profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16).’” John Jay
“The Bible contains more truths than any other book in the world.” Benjamin Rush
I am offering free copies of the Bible until my supply runs out. Use the same E-mail listed above if you would like one.
We are sad to report the passing of our dear friend and Camp Constitution’s co-founder and manager, Charlie Everett. I knew Charlie since 1990, when we spent a few days training me for my new job as field rep for the John Birch Society. In December of 2008, when I got word that its summer camp program-then named Freedom Generation-was being canceled, Charlie was the first person I called to see if he would be on board with our own camp program. He immediately answered in the affirmative, and his first job was to contact a local lawyer friend to get some legal advice.
Among his duties as camp manager-a volunteer position- Charlie would handle and process all of the camp applications, the bank transactions, insurance for camp events, and prepare the annual report for the State of New Hampshire.
Our prayers go out to his wife Linda, his three daughters, and his grandchildren.
This is a news release from New Tolerance Campaign which exposes left-wing hate groups and counters The Southern Poverty Law (SPLC) which has Camp Constitution on its hate map. They have us listed as “antigovernment” and based in Charlotte, North Carolina. We tried to let them know that we are New Hampshire based a few months ago but they didn’t make the correction.
I am sure that the map below will be filled with many more left-wing hate groups.
“We are committed to upholding true tolerance and providing a resource that ensures all hate in the United States is addressed, regardless of political affiliation.”
Washington, DC — The New Tolerance Campaign (@New_Tolerance) today announced the launch of its groundbreaking “Hate Map,” a comprehensive resource documenting instances of political violence perpetrated by leftist organizations across the United States.
This interactive map aims to fill the gaps left by traditional civil rights organizations, such as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which have largely overlooked or ignored such acts.
Click here to view the NTC Hate Map.
Watch the launch video below:
The NTC Hate Map is designed to be a vital tool for journalists, researchers, and news organizations seeking to understand and report on the full spectrum of political violence in the country. Unlike other resources that selectively highlight certain types of intolerance, NTC’s map provides an unbiased, detailed account of incidents, ensuring a more balanced and thorough perspective.
“For too long, groups like the SPLC have failed to address the violence and intolerance stemming from the far-left,” said Gregory T. Angelo, President of New Tolerance Campaign. “Our Hate Map is a critical step towards exposing and documenting leftist hate and violence. We are committed to upholding true tolerance and providing a resource that ensures all hate in the United States is addressed, regardless of their political affiliation.”
The map includes detailed profiles of numerous leftist groups known for their violent activities, such as ANTIFA chapters nationwide, Black Lives Matter affiliates, and various radical organizations. It features incidents ranging from vandalism and physical assaults to threats and intimidation, providing a comprehensive view of the political violence landscape.
Key features of the NTC Hate Map include:
“Traditional civil rights groups have been selective in their condemnation of hate and intolerance, often turning a blind eye to violence from the left,” Angelo continued. “Our Hate Map addresses this imbalance, providing a crucial resource for anyone committed to understanding and combating all forms of political violence.”
The NTC Hate Map is now live and accessible to the public on the New Tolerance Campaign website. NTC encourages all interested parties to utilize this resource to gain a more comprehensive understanding of political violence in America and to support efforts in promoting true tolerance.
Media requests:
Author and journalist, Alex Newman conducts a class at Camp Constitution’s 16th annual family camp. This presentation explains how elements in the US. government have aided, abetted and promoted our nation’s enemies from the Bolshevik Revolution to present day.
Mr. Newman hosts a show called the Liberty Sentinel which airs on Frank Speech and other platforms:
What makes Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama think that peace is
possible between Israel and the Palestinians so long as Iran threatens to nuke Israel, is
rearming Hisbullah in Lebanon, and arming Hamas in Gaza, which is still determined to
destroy Israel?
What makes the Obama administration think that the Palestinians want peace when they
propose that Israel no longer maintain itself as a Jewish state and insist that it take in over
three million descendants of the 700,000 Arabs who once lived there? Forgotten are the
800,000 Jews expelled from Muslim countries after the 1948 war.
All the fuss being made by Biden and Clinton over the building of 1,600 new housing
units in Jerusalem is a case of misplaced indignation. Short of Israel committing suicide,
the Palestinians under Abbas are not about to assume the responsibilities of statehood
which would require it to behave like a legitimate sovereign nation. And that is why
they have rejected every offer the Israelis have made in the pursuit of peace.
The Palestinian government is the recipient of world charity which makes it unnecessary
for it to create anything of value. As the recipient of billions in free money, why bother
to work for a living? And as long as there is no peace agreement, they can continue to
launch suicide attacks against Israel at will.
Ever since the Oslo peace process began in 1993, Israel has had to make concession after
concession in the interest of peace. The Palestinians saw this as the successful result of
their intifada waged from 1987 to 1993. Many Israelis saw the Oslo process as the road
to a real peace that would bring untold prosperity to the region.
After President Clinton’s famous Camp David summit in the summer of 2000 between
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Yasir Arafat, Barak offered the Palestinians the
most generous peace terms any Israeli government could ever offer: 88 percent of the
West Bank and most of East Jerusalem. The response? The second intifada of
2001-2002 in which over 1,000 Israelis were killed in terrorist and suicide bomber
In 2005, Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza, destroying the homes, farms, and
businesses of over 8,000 Israeli citizens. Did this disengagement bring peace? From the
date of withdrawal to the 2009 war, Gazan terrorists fired about 6,000 rockets and
mortars into Southern Israel. And even after the Gazan war, Hamas is still rearming
with the help of Iran, and Al Qaida has made inroads in the territory.
In September 2008, Prime Minister Olmert offered to withdraw from 94 percent of the
West Bank and create international Muslim control over Jerusalem’s holy sites. This
far-reaching offer was also rejected by the Palestinians.
Israel’s unceasing efforts to achieve peace in order to demonstrate to America that it truly
believes that peace is possible flies in the face of the intransigent realities on the ground.
The simple fact is that more and more Israelis are beginning to acknowledge that peace,
seemingly so near at hand, yet so elusive, is in the long run unachievable. Why?
Because the pre-conditions set by the Palestinians are simply impossible to meet.
Another fact is that despite the absence of peace, Israel has not only survived for 61
years, but has become a high-tech powerhouse, achieved a high standard of living, and
has managed to fare much better than most countries during the world financial crisis.
Yet, sixteen years of piecemeal concessions made under pressure from America and the
Europeans have convinced Israel haters that the Jewish state is quite vulnerable. Thus,
Israel’s yearning for peace and willingness to uproot its own people in Gaza and the
so-called settlements in Judea and Samaria, has encouraged its enemies to go for the
And that is why what Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton hotly said in response to the notice
of the building in Jerusalem will provide ammunition to those who claim that it is Israel
that stands in the way of peace. Israel wants to please its American ally, but suicide is
not the most practical way to do it.
It should be noted that Israel now has a population of over 7 million inhabitants, of which
1.5 million are Muslim citizens of Israel, most of whom would object to becoming
citizens of a Palestinian state. Meanwhile, no Jews are permitted to be citizens of
Palestine. So much for a democratic, multicultural Palestinian state. There were even
Israelis in Gaza willing to live under a Palestinian government provided they were not
persecuted by that state.
Why doesn’t the American government insist that the projected Palestinian state permit
Jews to live in it? Unfortunately, the Palestinians would have to stop hating Jews, and
Barack Obama is not about to impose on the Palestinians their Allah-given imperative to
hate and kill Jews.
This article was from the Sam Blumenfeld Archives: