The Bible or the Axe: A Presentation by Pastor William Levi


Camp Constitution was honored to sponsor recent speaking engagements  in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire for Pastor William Levi, founder of Operation Nehemiah Missions and the author of The Bible or the Axe

His presentation tells the extraordinary story of how he and his family of ten siblings fled Sudan during its first Civil War in the early to mid-1960s, his life in a refugee camp in Uganda and returning to a war ravished Sudan to rebuild.  As a teenager, his grandfather, a Christian minister, showed him a Bible and an axe, and he asked young Willian to choose one.  While he was tempted to choose the axe, he picked the Bible. He explained that while he supports self-defense and the right to bear arms, he believes that the Bible is the best weapon because the battle is spiritual.  His Christian faith led to his arrest, imprisonment, and torture. His Muslim captors offered him his freedom if he would renounce Christianity and become a Muslim. His refusal led to more torture. He eventually escaped and made is way to Egypt where he found employment as a manager of a farm.  While visiting Cairo, he met an American missionary wearing a T-shirt that read “Jesus Is Lord.”  The missionary helped him to Turkey where he befriended a French Catholic priest who got him to France. He eventually made his way to the U.S. and lived with the missionary’s family in Milton, MA

Wanting to get his immigration status in order, he boarded an Amtrak train bound for Washington DC but got off in Newark, N.J.  He found employment in New Jersey, got his Green card, and attended college graduating with a degree in electrical engineering.  He explained that he was living the “American Dream” but God called him to create a ministry to help his fellow Christians in Sudan.  He founded Operation Nehemiah Missions. The goal of the ministry is to rebuild the family, promote self-sufficiency, and most important, making disciples of Jesus Christ His ministry runs a 1,000-acre farm growing fruits, vegetables and grain, solar water pumps, a radio station, and a school with an enrollment of 500 students.

He became a proud US citizen and voted for the first time in the 2016 election.  He explained that the recently created nation of the South Sudan has been under the malevolent influence of the United Nations with its anti-family and anti-freedom agenda, and warned that while he loves Muslin people, Islam is not a religion of peace.  At the Community Church of Alton, he gave a copy of his book to the youngest attendee Dan Pack where he was challenged to write a book report on it and give an oral presentation.

Pastor Levi resides in Lanesboro, MA. He is married and the father of eight children.  A special thanks to Pastor Sam Holo of The Community Church of Alton, and Pastor Bob Andrews of the First Parish Church of Lebanon, Maine.

A link to a similar presentation he gave at Camp Constitution’s annual family camp: