The Best Way to Celebrate U.N. Day is to Expose the United Nations’ Sordid and Evil History

Today marks the 79th anniversary of the United Nations better known as  “The House that Hiss Built.”   The United Nations’ charter is diametrically opposed the U.S. Constitution.  Thankfully, more and more Americans are learning the truth about this world-government, racist and anti-freedom organization.  The best way to celebrate U.N. Day is to expose its sordid founding and history.

Camp Constitution instructor John McManus conducted a class  on the subject at our 2019 family camp:




Camp Constitution recommends several excellent books on the subject available from our on-line shop:

   Inside the U.N:  A Critical Look at the U.N by Steve Bonta.

The United Nations Conspiracy by Robert Lee

And, America and the United Nations: :