On May 8th, Governor Sununu signed into law HR 170 requiring the teaching of cursive handwriting and multiplication tables in all of New Hampshire’s public-school districts and chartered public schools by the end of the fifth grade. The bill was sponsored by NH State Representatives Deborah Hobson, Lorie Ball, Katelyn Kuttab, Roderick Ladd, and Alicia Lekas. The law takes effect sixty days after its passage.
Sam Blumenfeld, author and modern homeschool pioneer was a firm believer of not only teaching cursive but teaching cursive first. He was also a firm believer in teaching the rote memorization of multiplication tables. He created both a cursive and basic arithmetic course and Camp Constitution makes them available via the Blumenfeld Archives-a free on-line resource (donations accepted). All that is needed is an E-mail address, and username and, with it, members will have unlimited access to the archives where you can use the on-line version or download and print the lessons. Here is the link: https://campconstitution.net/sam-blumenfeld-archive/ Also available on the archive is Sam’s Alpha-Phonics reading course.
Sam Blumenfeld passed away in June of 2015. Prior to his passing, we pledged to him that we at Camp Constitution will ensure that his work will positively benefit generations to come. He left Camp Constitution most of his library, papers, and recording. With it, thanks to Bill McNally of Windham, our camp newspaper editor Mark Affleck, and our webmaster Eric Con, the Sam Blumenfeld Archives was created. Thousands of people from around the world including The Kingdom of Bhutan, and Zimbabwe where a school named after Sam is being built have used this vital resource.