Joe Scarborough, Before He Became a Mouthpiece for the Deep State…

Joe Scarborough, as a freshman member of Congress, co-sponsored Ron Paul’s bill to get the United States out of the United Nations.  So, it was no surprise that he would be invited to speak at a John Birch Society (JBS) meeting.  Joe spoke at a February 1996 JBS Council Dinner and was enthusiastically received by the attendees.   In his introductory remarks, Joe referred to a JBS Council member and his wife as close friends and praised the work of the JBS.

But something changed.  Today, he is little more than a mouthpiece for the Establishment he once opposed.  He even married the daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was one of the Deep State’s top operatives.  He recently ranted on his Morning Joe Show that if Trump gets reelected Trump will execute his enemies and made a nauseating panegyric to Joe Biden.


A link to a downloadable audio of the speech: