Camp Constitution’s First Quarter Report for 2022

   Camp Constitution’s 1st Quarter Report for 2022

  We hit the ground running in 2022 with our presence at a Medical Freedom Rally in Concord, NH on New Year’s Day where I addressed the group and with my wife, Maura we distributed camp promotional brochures

 Camp Constitution in the News:

  The U.S. Supreme Court heard our Christian flag lawsuit on January 18. As a result, we received more media coverage in January than all the media coverage since our founding. We were interviewed by numerous media outlets including ABC, and NBC. Newspapers covering the story included The Epoch Times, The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and dozens of papers in-between. The Boston Globe did a feature story about us.

YouTube and Rumble Channels: 

We are averaging 4,500 views per month and thirty-nine new subscribers.  Our most popular video is remains “The Battle of Lexington Reenactment.”   We started an account on Rumble and plan to upload our latest videos on the Rumble page and encourage readers to subscribe.

 The Sam Blumenfeld Archive:

193,000 views, 3,850 downloads of “Alpha-Phonics”, 2,675 downloads of the “Alpha-Phonics” instructional manual, and we got word that our second shipment of “Alpha-Phonics” arrived at the Nottingham Junior School in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Camp Constitution Radio on Podomatic:

We remain in the top five top five for the conservative category with 3,260 downloads of shows and four hundred plays.  We interviewed actress Stacey Dash who played Dr. Mildred Jefferson in the movie “Roe V Wade”, and Annabelle Rutledge, director of Young Women for America we are posting audio presentations by Sam Blumenfeld

The show also airs on numerous platforms including Amazon, Google, Spotify. Apple, and Podbean.

Social Media:

In addition to our Facebook page and groups which grows every month, we created pages on MeWe, Gab, and Web talk.

 Speaker’s Bureau:

We had eighteen engagements that we either hosted or were invited by other groups including Camp Constitution Family Day in Maine.

Rev. Craft in Alton, NH                Edith Craft in Maine

Camp Constitution’s Website:

The media coverage has generated much traffic to our website. In this quarter, we received close to 20,000 views. We posted fifty-six blogs, and added a new writer, Dominique Uhl. Writers for out blog include Dr. Peter Hammond of Frontline Fellowship in Cape Town, South Africa, Paul Driessen of CFACT, Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center, and Dominique Uhl.

Camp Constitution Press:

We have a few book projects in the works including the correspondence between Margaret Sanger and Dr. Clarence Gamble, a reprint of Alden’s Citizen’s Manual, and a biography of Dr. Mildred Jefferson.

 Camp Constitution Book Sales:                          

We recently received a donation of about ten boxes of books which included over four hundred copies of None Dare Call It Conspiracy. We have raised over $1000, from our book sales from Facebook, Amazon, and our on-line shop

Article V Convention: 

For the first time in 10 years, there was not one Article V resolution introduced in New Hampshire and Maine. We continue to educate people around the country with our camp blog, resources from our website. and alert our contacts in various states where resolutions have been introduced.

  St. Patrick’s Day Parade South Boston, MA

We had a float at the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in South Boston, the largest parade in New England. We were very well received by the thousands of attendees-many of whom were chanting ‘Fire the cannons and U.S.A., U.S.A. A special thanks to Steve Wanager and Deborah Wilson.

 Catching Fire News:

Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center has recently started an on-line news service-Catching Fire News and invited us to host a weekly show which we call The Camp Constitution Report. As of this writing, we have done three shows. Membership is free: 

 Radio and Cable TV: 

As a result of the media coverage of our lawsuit, several talk show hosts have interviewed us about our mission and events including the Dan Rae Show WBZ-AM Boston, Jack Heath who hosts Good Morning New Hampshire, and the Chris Berg Show in Fargo, NH. As a result of hosting Rev. Steve Craft in Alton, NH, the director of the Town of Wolfeboro’s public access station offered us a slot on the channel and plans to make our programs available around the state, and a network of Christian radio stations in New Hampshire and Maine will run public service announcements for our programs in the region.

The Lane House and Learning Center:

      We continue to host monthly events at the Lane House and offer its use to local like-minded groups.

 Camp Constitution Ladies Group 

The Ladies are hosting their annual ‘Spring Fling” at the end of April with guest speaker Mrs. Kathi Lear of the Well of Living Water Ministries

Camp Constitution’s 14th Annual Family Camp:

Applications for our annual camp are coming in and, like last year, we expect a full house. “Early Bird” registration saving each attendee $50 on the fee ends May 1:

Family Weekend Retreat:

We are hosting our 1st Annual Family Retreat:

How you can help Camp Constitution grow:

* Keep Camp Constitution and our nation in your prayers.

* Become a donor. Monthly and/or one-time donations can be made via our PayPal account accessed from our website

* Host one of our speakers.

*  Introduce Camp Constitution to family and friends.

*Write an article for our camp blog.

* Share our posts, E-mails, and videos.

And attend our events and bring others with you.

I want to thank all of those who have make Camp Constitution possible. May God bless you.

Hal Shurtleff, Director
Camp Constitution