We are pleased to announce that we are taking applications for our 13th annual family camp which runs from Sunday July 18 to Friday July 23. This year’s camp returns to the Singing Hills Christian Camp and Conference Center in Plainfield, NH https://www.singinghills.net/. Instructors include author and journalist Alex Newman; Attorney Jonathan Alexandre of Liberty Council; Debbie Bacigalupi, an expert on Agenda 21; atmospheric scientist, Professor Willie Soon; Constitutional expert, Mrs. Catherine; Rev. Steve Craft, and Pastor David Whitney of the Institute on the Constitution https://theamericanview.com/. Returning to run the Junior Patriot program is Mrs. Edith Craft. In addition to the classes, attendees have recreation opportunities which include swimming, marksmanship, basketball, volleyball, chess tournaments, martial arts, campfire, hiking and a field trip to the Calvin Coolidge Homestead in nearby Plymouth, VT, and plenty of good, wholesome fun.
Our family camp is open to entire families, unaccompanied minors from 12 to 17, and adults- staff and non-staff. The cost for campers 13 and older and non-staff adults is $300. Camper 4-12- $200. Children three and under- free-must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Staffers $250. A $50. “Early Bird” discount is available for each tuition for those who register by June 1. The tuition includes lodging, meals, and materials. We encourage early registrations to insure availability. Over the past few years, we used an on-line registration application that many people had trouble using. This year, we are using a simple two page downloadable form: https://campconstitution.net/camp-registration/ Fill it out, make a copy with a check payable out to Camp Constitution and send it to Mr. Charlie Everett by E-mail halleckeverett@gmail.com or by mail: 5945 Quail Hollow Road, Unit D Charlotte, NC 28210-5028. Payments may also be made via our PayPal account accessed from our website’s home page https://campconstitution.net/. Not able to attend camp but would love to help send a worthy young person or family to camp? Please consider donating. For questions or more information, please feel free to contact me by phone: 857-498-1309 or E-mail campconstitution1@gmail.com. A link to our classes and activities from our 2020 camp: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7jnzBzBiNYDOAZbrVE4kD1jNlhxScPmH
Hal Shurtleff, Director Camp Constitution