While many camp facilities and groups canceled their annual events, we, Camp Constitution and our host Singing Hills Christian Camp in Plainfield, NH were determined to hold our 12th annual family camp. Expecting a small turnout, Singing Hills relieved us of our contractual obligations, but it wasn’t necessary since we far exceeded the numbers. We had over 130 attendees including a number of new families. While a few of our scheduled instructors, Lord Christopher Monckton, and John McManus, and John Hoderny, our head counselor, were unable to attend, we had an excellent group of instructors including Alex Newman, Jonathan Alexandre of Liberty Counsel and Dr. Felecia Nace, Catherine White, and the Patriot Pastor, Garrett Lear. Mrs. Edith Craft led the Junior Camper program.
In addition to the classes, we had plenty of recreational events, and for the first time, we had marksmanship training. Led by Dr. Gene Long, over 30 campers and adults fired a weapon for the first time. Mr. Steve Wanager not only brought his Colonial and Civil War cannons, but fired them as well. We also had an optional field trip to nearby Quechee Gorge. Evangeline Herrygurs of Sarasota, Florida and Stephen Mauder of Toledo, Ohio were our Super Campers. Here is a link to a YouTube playlist of our classes and events: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7jnzBzBiNYDOAZbrVE4kD1jNlhxScPmH We have already booked Singing Hills for next year Sunday July 18 to Friday July 23, 2021. For those who are looking to book an event for your church or group, we highly recommend Singing Hills: https://www.singinghills.net/
Thanks to all who helped make this camp possible.