Camp Constitution’s Annual Family Camp Less Than A Week Away

Camp Constitution’s annual family camp is less than week away.  We have an excellent line up of speakers, and plenty of activies.

Here is the daily schedule not including the junior camper schedule:


Sunday July 2nd 4:00 PM Registration by Mr. Everett) + 4:00 PM staff mtg.
6:30 PM Entrance Quiz (in Cafeteria / Mess Hall) All campers age 11 and up; Staff
7:45 PM Camp Orientation by Mr. Shurtleff, Mr. Hoderny, Mr. Kalis …
9:00 AM Know the Constitution by Mr.Hal Shurtleff
10:00 AM Crimes of the Educators by Mr. Alex Newman
11:00 AM The New World Order by Mr. John McManus
1:00 PM Class Picture – See 2010: (face Hebron deck & drive: mountain view; picnic tables as risers?)
6:30 PM The Climate-Change Hoax by Professor Willie Soon–Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
7:45 PM Target of a Smear – Senator Joseph McCarthy by Mr. McManus
Tuesday, July 4th Independence Day!
10:00 AM Faith of the Signers by Rev. Steven Craft
11:00 AM The Lives of [some of] the Signers by Mrs. Catherine White
1:00 PM “High Flying Frisbee Dogs and Magic Show” with Mr. Eric Conover
6:30 PM “Red Pill Politics” Live Radio Show! Dave Kopac interviews Rev. Craft, and others
7:45 PM Signing of the Declaration of Independence with (Mr.) Eric Eastman
(8:00 Shuttle campers to…) 9:00 PM Rindge Center for the fireworks!
9:00 AM Environmental Alarmism Refuted by Professor Willie Soon – Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysics Ctr.
10:00 AM U.S. Constitution Article I (Legislative branch / powers of Congress) by Mr. Norman Tregenza
11:00 AM The U.S. Constitution vs. Sharia Law by Father Michael Carl
1:00 PM Optional – Field Trip: Rindge Historic Society
6:30 PM Applying 10 Commandments to Advocate for Bill of Rights in Contemporary Issues Mr. Earl Wallace
7:45 PM Article 2 (Executive branch) and Article 3 (Judicial branch) by Mrs. White / Mrs. Harper
9:00 AM 13 Rules for Radicals Used to Redistribute Wealth & Wreck the Republic by Mr. Earl Wallace
10:00 AM Declarations and Preambles by Mrs. White
11:00 AM The Moral American by Mr. John Hoderny
1:00 PM Optional – Hike up Mount Monadnock
6:30 PM The Right to Keep and Bear Arms by Mr. Larry Pratt – Gun Owners of America (GOA)
7:45 PM Engaging America by Michael King of the Massachusetts Family Institute
9:00 AM Refuting the Gun Controllers by Mr. Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America (GOA)
10:00 AM History of Drug Addiction in America
11:00 AM Articles 4=States, 5=Amending it, 6=Debts, Supremacy, Oaths, & 7= “Done!” 17Sept., 1787
6:30 PM The Electoral College [How It Saves Us from Runaway Mob Rule] by Tom Moor
7:45 PM Exit Quiz – Teaching Staff
9:00 AM Color, Communism, and Common Sense by Rev. Craft
10:00 AM Death by Government by Mr. Chris Kalis
11:00 AM Actions Anyone Can Take to Confront Lies & Claim Liberties by Mr. Wallace
1:00 PM Optional Workshop: First Aid – by Mr. Scott Richards, EMT
6:30 PM Test Review w/ Mr. Tregenza & Mrs. Harper
7:45 PM Awards & Graduation Mr. Shurtleff and Rev. Craft
CAMP CONSTITUTION – General Daily Schedule A.D. 2017
Note: All buildings at Toah Nipi are named for Biblical places of refuge.
Bethel – Building next to stairway to lake & campfire; has Newspaper Office, Girls Dorm, Faculty Rooms
Hebron – Bldg. w/front porch supported by cross; Mess Hall / Ping-Pong; Boys Dorm; Classrooms; VIPs
Every morning: (Monday – Sunday)
[Except Tues. July 4th, when all morning events =1 hour later, & NO 9:00 AM CLASS!!]
M, W, Th, F, Sat., Sun. :
6:30 AM Polar Bear Swim / Run (optional)
7:00 AM Non-polar bears, Wake-up!
7:50 AM Flagpole: Devotions, Announcements +
Recite Preamble to US Constitution and/or Pledge at Flagpole
8:00 AM Breakfast Hebron (Main Building) Meet on porch until line opens.
8:30 Staff Meeting – Hebron // Students in Cabins cleaning & decorating
Classes (Mon-Sat) at 9:00,* 10:00, and 11:00 AM (with mini-breaks between classes)
*Tuesday, July 4th – No 9:00 AM class on Independence Day
Locations – See other side for detailed class list:
Classes are in Hebron (just upstairs from Cafeteria / Mess Hall)
Meet in Mess Hall: Sun, July 2, 6:45pm – Placement Quiz; & Fri., July 7, 7:45pm – Exit Quiz
Lunch at Noon – Meet on Hebron porch for grace (Monday – Saturday)
1:00–5:30 PM = Recreation, Swimming + Pictures, Hikes, or Field Trips…
Evenings: (Sunday – Saturday):
Dress-up only for Saturday Supper and Graduation
5:30 PM Dinner (Meet on Hebron porch for grace)
6:30 PM Classroom
7:20 PM Flagpole
7:45 PM Classroom
8:35 Break – Rooms to get long sleeves, or mosquito stuff, and…
9:00 PM Campfire (Bring Flashlight & Song Book!); beware mosquitoes!)
10:00 PM Break – Snacks** & Camp Newspapers usually available in Mess Hall.
10:30 PM in Cabins
11:00 PM Lights Out!
** Pizza Party – after Campfire Saturday evening! Class pictures if ordered. Take pictures of and with friends,
exchange phone and e-mail information! You may also wish to organize for your trip home, take down your
cabin decorations, and plan for next year!
Final Sunday morning, clean up room and bathroom. Use cleaning supplies and vacuum, as needed, to tidy up.
A good rule-of-thumb, as they say: “Always leave a place as good as, or better than, you found it!” Safe Travels!