Camp Constitution attended the 1st annual Nativity at the Massachusetts State House Thursday December 22. This historic event was held in the Hall of Flags, and sponsored by the Renew Massachusetts Coalition and the Massachusetts Family Coalition. State Representative Jim Lyons, Republican from Andover, was able to secure the venue after some help from the Thomas More Society. Speakers included Rep. Lyons, Pastor Stephen Derrick of the Greenville Baptist Church Rochdale, MA, Father Gerald Souza of the Boston-Seaport Catholic Collaborative, and Pastor Kris Mineau.
This was the first time that a nativity scene was on display at the State House. A local atheist group wasn’t too happy about the event and its spokesman said that the group would have led a legal challenge if its members had more time. The true meaning of Christmas can be proclaimed even ii one of the most left-wing states in the country.
Camp Constitution wishes all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.