How Pastors Can Recover America

Camp Constitution recently sponsored speaking engagements in Lexington, MA, Alton, NH and Lebanon, NH for Dr. Rick Scarborough of Recover America   As a part of the modern-day Black Robe Regiment, Dr. Rick is organizing pastors to lead their members to register to vote, vote according to Biblical principles, and as the Lord leads, run for office.  In this presentation which took place at the First Parish Congregational Church in Lebanon, Maine Wednesday June 22, Dr. Scarborough explains how he was able to mobilize hundreds of pastors in Texas back in 2002 which turned Texas red, and his project to organize pastors around the United States.

From Recover America’s website:

   Mission:  Recover America exists to equip and mobilize Pastors and their congregations to engage in the civil arena, providing Biblical solutions to today’s most pressing issues.

  Overview:  Recover America is a non-denominational ministry, representing all churches united in their commitment to the Lordship of Christ and His call to believers from every faith persuasion to join our mission to take Jesus into the civil arena and provide Biblical solutions to practical problems. We believe the Bible speaks to every area of life and that Pastors are the key to a Third Great Awakening.

 Strategy:  Find Pastors and other faith leaders who will take their faith outside the four walls of the Church and become Salt and Light in the civil arena and help shape public policy. (See Matthew 5:13-16)

  Current Focus: We believe electing Biblically focused school board leaders is one of, if not the single most pressing issue we face today as frequently our children are being overly sexualizing, indoctrinated with various forms of Critical Race Theory, and socially engineered by radical theories that fuel gender confusion by their schools. If this is allowed to go on while they are sleeping under our roofs, think of how easily their minds can be twisted once they leave home and attend a university. At the same time, our children are not being taught the fundamentals of reading, writing, and math. Furthermore, many school districts have become financial disasters.

To implement our mission, Recover America engages in the following activities, among others: Hosts Pastor and faith leader conferences and training sessions, hosts forums for congregations to learn more about school board candidates, develops and distributes tools such as voter guides based on values, and continually encourages our pastors, donors, and friends to get involved.

In 2021, our focus was on Greater Houston school board elections including Houston Independent School (Houston ISD) and Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District (Cy-Fair ISD), the 1st and 3rd largest school districts respectively in Texas with more than 300,000 children enrolled. For the 2022 elections, we are expanding to cover all of the great state of Texas maintaining school boards as our top, but not exclusive, priority.

Successes So Far:  Conservative values won an unprecedented victory in the 2021 Greater Houston School Board elections. Two committed Christians, including a Pastor, won runoff races for Houston ISD, the largest school district in Texas. Additionally, Biblical values candidates won all three positions in Cy-Fair ISD, the 3rd largest Texas school district. We have now witnessed the election of five Christian Conservatives to school boards, all replacing long-tenure Leftist incumbents, and impacting over 300,000 students. This is Great News! (See Mark 9:24)

Camp Constitution is working with Recover America to organize pastors and clergy at the state level.  Readers that want to help us may contact me at We plan to host an on-line meeting in the near future with Dr. Scarborough.