We The People By Kevin Bushey Tactical Civics Aroostook County, ME Chapter

It’s the first line of our Constitution. But do we really know what it means?
Dave Zuniga, author of the 2024 book, Now When We Rise, searched for years to discover the
meaning of these 3 words handed down by our founding fathers as they created our U.S.
Constitution. Zuniga states:

“Now I have a definition of We the People; of the collective sovereign as the first chief justice of
the supreme Court, John Jay, called us in his ruling in Chisolm v. Georgia, the first important
ruling of our servant high court. We The People refers only to the subpopulation of Americans
who take responsibility to oversee our servants and to enforce the Constitution against violations
by those servants, at all levels from school boards to DC.”

This supreme Court ruling is packed with some truly revealing facts. First, Americans are a
collective sovereign that requires individuals to work “collectively” to maintain its sovereign
status. And what is the first order of business? Enforcing the supreme law of the land and that
happens to be our U.S. Constitution. Equally important is the fact that every state has a state
Constitution. When an elected official repeats their oath of office, they commit themselves to
upholding, protecting and defending the Constitution (and their state Constitution for state

Secondly, it emphasizes the term “subpopulation of Americans who take responsibility to
oversee our servants and enforce the Constitutions”. What does this mean? I believe the court is
saying, the subpopulation of “We the People” are the enforcers (the bosses) of elected officials
who are our servants, NOT the current system that federal and state governments operate by
where they do as they please in ignoring the constitutions and nobody holds them accountable
for violating their oaths. That has to change. And no Presidential election will do that. It will
require We The People, as collective sovereigns, to stand up to the cabals of DC right down to
our local towns and enforce constitutional governance.

So, how do we learn how to implement such a plan? Zuniga, along with his brain trust of
repentant men, have created a long term plan, called Tactical Civics. The goal of TACTICAL
CIVICS™ is to restore a repenting remnant of We the People to implement constitution
enforcement utilizing the two law enforcement tools stipulated in the Constitution. One of the
first objectives is to launch and build a TACTICAL CIVICS™ chapter in every county.
Aroostook County has a chapter. Learn more about the mission, goals and objectives and how
you become a chapter member by visiting https://tacticalcivics.com. You can contact us via
email at: tcaroostook@gmail.com