Camp Constitution Radio did an expose of the men, and organizations behind the latest drive for an Article V Constitutional Convention. This recent movement was launched at the Conference on the Constitutional Convention by leftist professor Larry Lessig, and Mark Meckler, the man who founded the Convention of the States. Meckler passes himself of as a conservative, and has received the support of may conservatives who should know better. This program reveals Meckler’s connections to Van Jones and Living Room Conversations, Joan Blades of and the Aspen Institute. It also reveals the disturbing connections to Mike Farris and Grover Norquist. Farris, founder of Home School Legal Defense Association, is perhaps the most active proponent of an Article V Convention. Farris, who is quick to denounce any and all who oppose an Article V as “evil” and “enemies of the Constitution” has credibility in the Christian homeschool community, but few know that sitting on the board of directors of Farris’s Parental Rights group is Grover Norquist. Norquist, a member Council on Foreign Relations, was both a member and an advisor to the now-defunct homosexual organization GoProud, and has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood Glen Beck recently reported. Camp Constitution Radio is heard on WBCQ The Planet 7.490 and shows are available on Camp Constitution’s Youtube Channel