The Drug Card and the Race Card with Doctor Kishore and Rev. Steve Craft

Camp Constitution Speakers Bureau recently hosted a tour for Camp Constitution instructors Doctor Punyamurtula Kishore, and Rev. Steve Craft entitled “The Drug Card and the Race Card.”  Doctor Kishore explained the addiction crisis in Maine and the United States, the politics of the addiction industry, and  the “Medical Mafia” that promotes costly and dangerous treatments that have a dismal track record.  He also discussed the Massachusetts Model which he pioneered that consisted of the use of non habit forming drugs to treat withdrawal, home detox, and primary care.  Rev. Steve Craft, a former drug addict, discussed the race issue and the need for God on the lives of addicts.  The tour included an in-studio interview on WFST, a Christian radio station in Caribou, and a phone interview on “The Aroostook Watchmen” hosted by Jack McCarrthy on WXME-AM in Montcello.  While the turnouts were modest, Rev. Craft, and Doctor Kishore were invited back to speak to a church group, and a sheriff,  and a warden are interested in learning more about Doctor Kishore’s model of treatment.  “The Fort Fairfield Journal” attended our Presque Isle event and produced a video of the presentations.   A special thanks to Mr Bob Roy of PresqueIsle, and Jeannette Wheeler for their hard work and to the Truman Family of Hallowell for lodging.Rev. Steve Kishore