The late Sam Blumenfeld was a pioneer in the modern homeschool movement, and an instructor at Camp Constitution. While he passed away June 1, of this year, his legacy lives on with his numerous books, newsletters, and hundreds of speeches, and presentations he did over the years on radio shows, homeschool conventions and public presentations. Thanks to the efforts of Camp Constitution’s web master Eric Conover, and Mark Affleck much of Sam’s work, has been archived on the camp’s web site including his Alpha-Phonics book with instructions in audio for all 100 plus lessons. That’s right. Anyone can learn to read or teach others how to read using Camp Constitution’s web site.
In addition to the Alpha-Phonics, we have uploaded some rare writings available in digital for the first time newsletters from “American Friends of Algeria,” “American Friends of Katanga,” and “The Society of Jewish Americanists.”