The American Museum of Natural History has a long and honorable tradition of
enlightening the world at large with outstanding scientific exhibits and public lectures.
But now there are agitators waving signs in front of the Museum. They are vilifying a
scientifically-engaged trustee, Rebekah Mercer, who helps make these exhibits possible
with generous donations. Ms. Mercer’s family foundation also supports politicians the
agitators despise, and organizations or scientists with views contrary to their belief in
human-caused, catastrophic global warming.
The signers of this letter include many scientists, with a deep understanding of climate.
The case for harm from catastrophic global warming is growing weaker as more is
learned about the Earth’s climate system, and about the poor predictive power of
computer climate models. The Earth has supported abundant life many times in the
geological past when there were much higher levels of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. It is quite likely that future generations will benefit from the enrichment of
Earth’s atmosphere with more carbon dioxide. And there is no doubt that policies
advocated by many of the protestors will cause economic harm across the world,
especially to those hoping to climb out of poverty.
It is unlikely that Ms. Mercer and all of the signers would vote for the same political
candidates. But all of us urge the Museum trustees not to cave in to this pressure. Make
no mistake, the agitators are not defending science from quackery—quite the contrary!
They demand that the Museum support a party line, thinly disguised as science.
J. Scott Armstrong, Professor, University of Pennsylvania (Lifetime Achievement Award in Climate Science, 2017-
Heartland Institute)
Dr. Jan L. Breslow, Professor Rockefeller University
Member National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medicine
Walter Cunningham, Apollo 7 Astronaut, Colonel USMCR Ret, Physicist, Advisory Board National Renewable Energy
Freeman Dyson, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Christopher Essex, Permanent Monitoring Panel on Climate, World Federation of Scientists,
Professor and Associate Chair, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Western Ontario
Ivar Giaever, Applied Biophysics, Inc., Nobel Prize in Physics 1973
William Happer, Professor of Physics, Emeritus, Princeton University
Richard Lindzen, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kary Mullis, Inventor of PCR, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1993
The views represented in this letter are those of the individual signatories and not the institutions they are
affiliated with. Institutions are listed simply for identification purposes.
Sergiu Klainerman, Fellow of National Academy of Sciences, American Academy of Arts and Sciences and Foreign
Member of the French Academy of Sciences
Ralph B. Alexander, Ph.D., Former Associate Professor of Physics, Wayne State University
Dr. D. Weston Allen, M.B.B.S., FRACGP, Grad Dip Phys Med, Director of Medical Services, Kingscliff Health, New
South Wales, author of The Weather Makers Re-examined
Jock Allison, PhD, ONZM, New Zealand
Michael Asten, Professor of Geophysics (retired), School of Earth Atmosphere and Environment, Monash
University, Melbourne Australia
Dr. Anthony. F. Bainbridge MA CEng FIET FHEA
Dr. Tim Ball, Ph.D Historical Climatology
Paul Bamford, B.Ed., Post Grad. Dip. Mathematics
Associate Professor William E. Bamford, BE, ME, PhD, FIEAust, CPEng, MAusIMM, Expert in Engineering Geology
and Rock Mechanic
Richard D. Bardo, PhD., Chemical Physicist, Naval Surface Warfare Center and Los Alamos National Lab.
David F. Bartlett, Physics Prof Emeritus, Fellow American Physical Society
Colin M Barton BSc, PhD, FInst Eng Aus.(retr’d) Hon.F.RMIT University, Former Principal Research Scientist CSIRO
John Bassett, BSc, PhD, CEng, FIET, Company Director
Joseph Bastardi. PSU meteorology, 78
Charles G. Battig, M.D.
Environment Advisor to the Heartland Institute
Dr. Peter J. Baum (Ret), Physicist, Director UCR T-1 Magnetosphere Simulation Laboratory, Member Technical staff
General Research Corp Santa Barbara; Lifetime Member American Geophysical Union
Barbara M. Bebbington
E. Calvin Beisner, Ph.D., Founder and National Spokesman
The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation
David J. Benard, PhD Physics, University of Illinois 1972, Co-inventor of the Oxygen-Iodine Chemical Laser &
Recipient of the US Air Force Systems Command Award For Technical Achievement
Sara Louise Bennett Ph.D. MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography 1988
International Environment Specialist, Edmonton Alberta, Canada
Certified Environmental Professional – Environmental Manager, Canada (CECAB)
Stein Storlie Bergsmark, Physicist, MSc, Independent Scientist
Edwin X Berry, PhD, Physics, CCM. CEO, Climate Physics, LLC,
C B Bigham, PhD, Retired
Glen Bishop – MA Natural Sciences Cambridge University and MSc in Management MIT
Agust H. Bjarnason. M.Sc. Electrical Engineering, Specialist in Geothermal Power Plants, Partner Verkis Engineering,
Former Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Iceland
David L. Black, Ph.D., F-ABFT, FAIC
Founder, Aegis Sciences Corporation; Founder and CEO, The Phoenix Sciences Group, LLC; Founder and CEO,
nd Vote (; Clinical Associate Professor, Immunology, Microbiology, Pathology and
Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
David Blackall – BSc (Agric), Dip Ed, MA (Jour), PhD. Science writer, Journalist, Filmmaker
Thomas L. Blanton, Ph.D., Geology
John Blethen, Ph.D., Physics, Stanford University 1974, retired
Harald Bjørn Bodahl, Electrical Technician and Teacher
Hein Bodahl, Head Engineer
Henning Bodahl, Electronic Engineer and Farmer
Dr. Sonja A. Boehmer-Christiansen, Reader Emeritus, Department of Geography, Hull University
David Boleneus, BS MS Geology, MBA, President Hydro Imaging Inc., Retired, Operating the Family Farm. My
Wheat Thrives on the Carbon Dioxide
Dr. Henning Bongers, Physicist, Independent Scientist/Technical Consultant
W.R. Bozeman, Masters, Medical Science (MMSc)
Dennis Boothby B.V.Sc., Q.D.A.H, Cattle Veterinary Surgeon [retired]
Dr. Howard Thomas Brady, Member of the Explorers Club New York
Member of the Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences
Ethan Brand, PE; MS Mechanical Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; BA Physics, Michigan State
Dr. Phillip A W Bratby, BSc, PhD, retired physicist
Alastair Brickell, BSc; MAIG, MGSNZ, MRASC, MRASNZ, Professional Geologist and Astronomy Educator
William M. Briggs, PhD, Statistician to the Stars, Author of Uncertainty: The Soul of Modeling, Probability &
Michael Bromley Ph.D. Sedimentologist and Structural Geologist, Calgary, Alberta, Canada and As Sulaymaniyah,
Kurdish Autonomous Region, Iraq
Keith Brooke-Sumner (BSc Chem Eng UCT)
Robert Brooks, ASTC, FAusIMM, CPMin, MIEAust, CPEng (ret) NM. Mining Engineer Cooper St Waggrakine,
Geraldton WA 6530 Australia
David P. Brown, PhD (Environmental Engineering), Fulbright Fellow (Atmospheric Physics), Founder and CEO of
StreamWise (
Mike Bulea, a Self-Employed Electrician
H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D. (Senior Fellow, The Heartland Institute for identification purposes only)
David A. Burton, BS Systems Science, MA Computer Sciences
IPCC AR5 WGI Expert Reviewer, webmaster
Eamon Butler, a Non-scientist, with a Passion to Promote the Honesty and Integrity of the Sciences
C. John Butler, FRAS, FRMetS, PhD, Emeritus Research Fellow, Armagh Observatory
Roger Caiazza, B.S. Meteorology SUNY Oneonta, M.S. Meteorology University of Alberta, CCM Emeritus, and
Pragmatic Environmentalist (
Tony Carey, BA Natural Sciences, Clare College Cambridge, BA Psychology, Trinity College, Dublin
Dr. Robert J. Cargill, Queensland, Australia
Alan Carlin, BS, Physics, Caltech; PhD, Economics, MIT; Senior Analyst and manager, USEPA (retired); author
of Environmentalism Gone Mad
Ted Carmichael, PhD, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Anne Carter, MA Arts, AGW Realist
Chris Carter, Structural Engineer BE (civil), Melbourne, Australia 38 years of experience and counting
Carmen Anthony Catanese, PhD (physics) Yale University, 1970; Executive Vice President, The Sarnoff Corporation
Peter Champness MB, BS BMed Sci, M Med, FRACR
Andrew Chantrill, B.Sc.
Kenneth W. Chilton, PhD
Senior Fellow, Center for Study of Economics and the Environment, John Hammond Institute, Lindenwood
University, Former Founding Director, Institute for Study of Economics and the Environment, Lindenwood
University, Former Director of the Center for Study of American Business at Washington University
Robert Cihak, MD
Ian D. Clark, PhD, Professor (isotope hydrogeology and paleoclimatology), Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of
Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Frederick Colbourne, MA (Geography), MSc. (Earth Science), International Development Consultant
Dr. Imelda Connolly, Independent scientist, A.M.I. Mont. Dip., Sp. Ed. Dip., A. Mus. VCM, Adv. Dip. Ed. (Special
Needs in Education), Adv. Dip. Ed. (Child Development), M.A. (Education), M.A. (Ethnomusicology), Ph.D.
(Computer Mediated Communication)
Dr. Michael Connolly, Independent scientist, B.Sc., M.Sc., H.D.E., D.E.E., Ph.D.
Dr. Ronan Connolly, Independent scientist, B.Sc., Ph.D
Russell Cook, blogger,; Scientifically-engaged common citizen with specific climate science
expertise no greater than other scientifically-engaged people such as actor Leo DiCaprio, billionaire eco-activist
Tom Steyer, ex-politician Al Gore, and current / former Chairmen of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Beth Cooper. B. Arts Hons Melbourne University
R.H.V. Corley, D.Phil., Agricultural scientist
Tom L. Cox, BSME
James B. Crews, BSc Geology, 35 years in Petroleum Mining, Leading Corporate Technology Innovator, produced 87
U.S. Patents
Susan Crockford, PhD, Zoology/Evolutionary Biology
Adjunct Professor, University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C. Canada
Kate Croston, CENG MIET; Avionic Systems Engineer, Northrop Grumman IDS, Brisbane
Mr. Augustus Cunningham, MSc in Aerospace Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology
Joseph S. D’Aleo, BS, MS Meteorology, ABD Air Resources; Certified Consulting Meteorologist, AMS Fellow,
Chair of the AMS Committee on Weather Analysis and Forecasting
Donn Dears, BS Engineering, Senior Executive GE Company (Retired)
Wayne Delbeke, P.Eng., BApSc, Water Resources and Pollution discipline, University of British Columbia, 1972
James Delton, P.E.; Registered Professional Engineer in AZ and CA; Private Pilot; BSE Arizona State University
Mary Delton PhD, chemistry, UCLA 1970, retired
Dr. Geoff Derrick BSc PhD (Qld), Brisbane, Australia
Geert F de Vries – Pr Sci Nat, M NucI (London), M SFEN (Paris), EmM SAInstPhys, M EPS, M DPG, MSc (Physics),
MBL (Unisa)
Prof. David Dilley, Senior Scientist (meteorologist/clmatologist), Global Weather Oscillations Inc. (GWO)
Harold H Doiron, PhD; Retired VP Engineering, InDyne, Inc.; Consultant to NASA and Commercial Launch Vehicle
Companies; Chairman, The Right Climate Stuff Research Team
James W Doogue; Writer – Economics and Finance, Science, Politics and Philanthropy; CFP, Life Member FPA,
MEcon, BBus (Econ & Fin), Dip FP
Neal M. Dorst, Research Meteorologist, BSc Meteorology
Aert Driessen, BSc (1960), BEc (1980), Grad. Dip. Information Systems (1990), FAIG. Geologist
Paul Driessen, Senior policy analyst, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow and Congress of Racial Equality
John Droz, jr, Physicist, Founder Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED)
Duffy, Geoffrey G. DEng., PhD, FRSNZ Professor Emeritus, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Terence Dunleavy MBE, JP, Honorary Secretary, New Zealand Climate Science Coalition, Founding Chairman,
International Climate Science Coalition
John Dale Dunn, MD, JD
Emergency Medicine/Peer Review
Lecturer Civilian Emergency Department Faculty, Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center, Brownwood, Texas
Stephen DuVal, BSC (Honors Math), MBA, Dir. of Corporate Strategy Ameritech (ret)
Ole Henrik Ellestad, previous Research Director SINTEF, Professor physical chemistry, University of Oslo, Division
Director for Science, Research Council of Norway
Robert W. Endlich, Lt Col, USAF, (Ret.) Advanced Weather Officer. BA, Geology, Rutgers University, MS,
Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University, Chi Epsilon Pi, Meteorology Honor Society
James E Enstrom, PhD, MPH; Research Professor / Researcher (retired), University of California, Los Angeles;
President, Scientific Integrity Institute, Los Angeles
Dr. David Evans, Independent Scientist, BSc, BE (EE), MA (app. math), MSc (EE), MSc (stat), PhD (EE, Stanford
Bruce M. Everett, PhD
Adjunct Associate Professor of International Business. The Fletcher School, Tufts University
FAGAN, Matthew J, PhD, B.Sc(Hons) Nuclear Physics; Founder and president of FastCAM Inc. 22 US patents
Dr. Kevin S. Fine, PhD Physics, Technology Consulting and Innovation
Professor Tim Florin, Medicine, Brisbane Australia
Viv Forbes BScApp, MAusIMM, FSIA Australia
Geologist, investment analyst, student of climate cycles and history. Founder of the Carbon Sense
Author of: “Our Sacred Land”, “Will it Make a Quid” and many articles on politics, economics, carbon, climate and
energy. Winner of the Adam Smith Award (Australia) and Author of Freedom (Germany).
Joseph Fournier, Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, private sector energy and environment R&D Specialist, Alberta, Canada
Dr. Jeffrey E. Foss, Professor Emeritus, University of Victoria
Dr. Martin P. Fricke
Fellow of American Physical Society, Former member of APS Panel on Public Affairs
Peter D. Friedman, PhD, PE, Chair Department of Mechanical Engineering (Retired – University of Massachusetts,
Eigil Friis-Christensen, Former Director, National Space Institute, Technical University of Denmark
Marek Frodis, BSc Math. System Analyst (retired)
Dr. George Gamota, Fellow American Physical Society; Fellow AAAS; Foreign Member of the Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine; founding Director for Research, Department of Defense; former Director MITRE Institute; and former
Professor of Physics University of Michigan
Carolyn Gannon, MSEE, former Oracle Corp. Vice-President
Terry Gannon, PhD, Retired Semiconductor Executive, Climate Activist, Climate Illuminated
Robin George, BSc with 1st class honours PhD in Geology, University of Adelaide
Ulrich Gerlach. Professor, Mathematical Astrophysicist, Department of Mathematics, Ohio State University
Columbus Ohio
G.P. Gillman D.Sc., Ph.D., Retired Soil Scientist
Albrecht Glatzle, PhD (Uni Hohenheim, Germany), retired Director of Research INTTAS, Paraguay
Laurence I. Gould, Professor of Physics, University of Hartford
Past Chair of the New England Section of the American Physical Society
Robert A. Gorkin, PhD (Biology), MD, JD
Robert M. Gray – M.A. Teacher-San Diego Unified School District
Kesten C. Green, PhD, University of South Australia
Solomon Green MA, actuary
Gerald D. Griffin. B.Sc., Aero Engr., Former Director, NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
G. L. Guenther, BS, MS (ChemEng, USC), Retired Engineer
William K. Halligan, M.D. (Retired General Surgeon)
Paul F. Hamblin, PhD, Research Scientist, Environment Canada (ret.)
Andrew C B Hamilton MSc AMIChemE MInstR
David Hamilton Dip Tech (BCIT), MSc (Univ. of London) DIC (Imperial College), Retired Mining Engineer
Lucy Hancock, Consultant, World Bank
A.B., Harvard University, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Ph.D. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Physics and Astronomy
Jens Morten Hansen, PhD
Former Vice-Director/ Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland
Adjunct Professor of Natural Philosophy/ Copenhagen University
Former Director General of the National Danish Research Councils
Kip Hansen, Science Journalist – Freelance
Dr John Happs (D,Phil. ; M.Sc. (Hons.), Retired academic (Geosciences)
Hermann Harde, Professor of Physics and Materials Science, retired, Helmut-Schmidt
University, Hamburg, Germany
Colin Harivel, B.Sc., P.Geo., Geologist
Tom Harris, B. Eng., M. Eng. (Mech., thermofluids), Executive Director, International Climate Science Coalition,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. From 2009 to 2011 (four sessions), Mr. Harris taught a total of 1,500 students “Climate
Change: an Earth Sciences Perspective”, a second year course in the Faculty of Sciences at Carleton University in
Steven Hatfill, MD (MBChB)
Biodiversity Scientist and Virologist
Adjunct Assistant Professor, George Washington University
Howard Cork Hayden, PhD
Professor (Emeritus) of Physics, UConn
Dennis B. Hayes, Fellow APS
Research Physicist: Sandia, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories
President, Lockheed Martin Nevada Technologies (retired)
Dr. Beth Haynes, MD
Dr. David L. Heald, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, taught solid state physics as a professor, and had been active in
the semiconductor field, display technology, X-Ray image sensors, magnetics, solid state lasers for fiber optics
applications, Nanotechnology, and in Micro-Electromagnetic Mechanical Systems
Richard G Hendl, PhD, Chief Scientist (Geophysics) Emeritus, Air Force Research Laboratory
Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera, PhD, Theoretical Physicist and Aerospace Engineer at the Institute of Geophysics of
the National Autonomous University of Mexico
Jim Hollingsworth, author of The Myth of Global Warming and the review of Dr. Jim Hansen’s book: Storms of my
Roy W. Hogue, Retired Principle Software Engineer with BS and MS in Computer Science
William Hough, American Citizen and Taxpayer
Dr. Martin Hovland, Professor emeritus, University of Bergen Centre for Geobiology; Lecturer at University of
Tromsø, Norway. MSc in Meteorology and PhD in Marine Geology (University of Tromsø)
Lowell A. Howard, B.S. Chemistry, 1968, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Douglas Hoyt, Retired, Physicist
Ole Humlum, Professor of Physical Geography, Emeritus, University of Oslo, Norway
Eric A. Huxter MA, MSc, PhD, FRGS
Craig D. Idso, Ph.D., Chairman, Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change
Terri Jackson Bsc (hons) MSc; Independent Physicist; Original Founder Energy and Climate Group Institute of
Physics, London
Albert F. Jacobs, Geol. Drs., P. Geol., Co-founder Friends of Science Society
Antero Järvinen, Professor, Director of Kilpisjärvi Biological Station, University of Helsinki
Hans Jelbring PhD, climatologist, thesis: Wind Controlled Climate, Stockholm University, 1998
Neil M. Jordan, P.E., D.WRE, Civil Engineer, CA, OR, AZ
Jon P. Kahler, Las Cruces, NM, Meteorologist (retired), MS Marine Science (Meteorology), North Carolina State
University (1975), I spent most of my career supporting research and development with 24 years in the Air Force
and 20 years working for contractors supporting the US Army Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory and other Army
Thomas Kaijser, Professor (Emeritus) Applied Mathematics, Linkoping University
Klaus L.E. Kaiser, PhD, FCIC, Research Scientist, Environment Canada (ret.), and author of Convenient Myths
Norm Kalmanovitch P. Geoph. Independent Geophysical Consultant, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Alexander Kaplan, Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Johns Hopkins University
Max Born Awardee of Optical Society of America; von Humboldt Awardee for senior USA scientists, Germany
Invited Professor, Weizmann Institute, Israel
Wibjörn Karlén, Professor Emeritus, Physical Geography
John A. Kasch, M.D.
John E. Kaufmann, PhD (1973, Crop & Soil Sciences, Michigan State University) Agricultural Scientist at: Faculty
Cornell University 73-76, Michigan State 76-81, Monsanto Company 81-02, Agrium Company 03-06
Brett Keane (Bachelor in Production Horticulture; Diploma in Rural Studies; Massey University New Zealand 2006)
Dr. Richard A. Keen, Emeritus Instructor of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder,
PhD, Geography/Climatology, University of Colorado
Shawn Kelly, Citizen and TaxPayer Interested in Uncorrupted Science
William Alexander Kelly, Senior Nuclear Analyst (retired), Ontario Power Generation
Hugh Kendrick, PhD, Fellow American Physical Society
Professor Gavin N.C. Kenny, BSc (Hons), MB ChB, MD, FRCA, FANZCA Professor Emeritus Anaesthesia, Intensive
Care and Pain Medicine, University of Glasgow
Madhav L. Khandekar, MS, PhD Meteorology, Environment Canada (retired)
Roger Kimball, Editor & Publisher The New Criterion
William Kininmonth M.Sc., M.Admin, Retired Australian government meteorologist, former WMO consultant;
member of national delegations to international climate negotiations and conferences.
Jerry Kirkpatrick, Professor Emeritus of International Business and Marketing, California State Polytechnic
University, Pomona
Jo M Knatz MD
Colin V Knipe, BSc CEng CGeol MIMMM FGS, Past Chairman, Institution of Geologists, UK
Robert S. Knox, Professor of Physics Emeritus, University of Rochester
Alexander T. Kowalski, Business Systems Architect (ret.)
Dr. rer. nat. Gerhard Kramm, Research Associate Professor of Meteorology (ret.), Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
Joseph Kunc, Professor, University of Southern California, Fellow American Physical Society
John S. Kundrat, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Dale Lancaster, PhD, PE,
Leonard J. Lane, PhD in Hydrology and Water Resources, MS in Systems and Industrial Engineering, BS in
Engineering Mathematics. Retired. Former Director of USDA-ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center, Former
Consulting Engineer, Retired
M.J.Lavigne, Geologist, P.Geo., M.Sc.
Dr. Douglas M. Leahey; Publications: Atmospheric Turbulence/Diffusion Plumes
Dr. John Ledger PhD, Energy and Environmental Consultant, Visiting Associate Professor, University of the
Dr. Alfred E. Ledner M.B.,Ch.B. Physician. Clinical Senior Lecturer, Graduate Medicine University of Wollongong,
David R. Legates, PhD, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
Lubert Leger, PhD, University of Houston, Retired NASA
Jay Lehr, Ph.D. Science Director, The Heartland Institute, author, co-author and editor of 36 books on the
environment published by McGraw-Hill and John Wiley & Sons
J.M. Leimkuhler, MSc Engineering, University of Wyoming
Jonathan A. Lesser, PhD, President, Continental Economics
Bryan Leyland MSc, DistFEngNZ, FIMechE, FIEE(rtd) MRSNZ. Renewable Energy Expert
Michael Limburg Dipl. Ing. VP EIKE (European Institute for Climate and Energy) Germany, Policy Adviser, Author of
Books and Papers about Climate Issues
Helen Lindqvist, B.Sc Biology, AGW Sceptic and Realist
William Lindqvist, Ph.D Geology, Student of Climate Change Science and Fraud
George Lloyd, MBA, BSc (Eng). Engineer, Businessman and Company Director
Professor Philip Lloyd, Energy Institute, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town; Adjunct Professor,
China Agricultural University, Beijing; Hon.Fellow, SA Academy of Engineers; Reviewer, IPCC
Horst-Joachim Lüdecke, Professor of Physics, University of Applied Sciences, Saarbrücken, Germany;
EIKE (European Institute for Climate and Energy), Jena, Germany
William T. Lynch, PhD; Fellow, IEEE; Retired Department Head from BTL
Farrel Lytle, Principal Research Scientist, The Boeing Company (retired)
American Physical Society Fellow and American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow
Allan M.R. MacRae, B.A.SC.(Eng.), M.Eng. P.Eng., Retired Energy Executive
Paul MacRae, MA English, Author of False Alarm: Global Warming Facts Versus Fear
Martin J. Mangino, PhD., Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University
President, Virginia Scientists and Engineers for Energy and Environment (VA-SEEE), Richmond Chapter
Francis Tucker Manns, PhD, PGeo (Ontario), Toronto, Canada
Ronald C. Marks, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, North Greenville University, Tigerville, SC
Professor Shigenori Maruyama, Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Techonology
Henri A. Masson, Prof (emer.) Dr.Ir. (Ph.D.) University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Speciality: Applied thermodynamics, Heat & Mass Transfer, Data Mining, Non-linear Time Series Analysis &
Advanced Research Methods
Andy May, Petrophysicist, BS Geology, University of Kansas
Gene McCall, Retired Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory,
Chairman emeritus U. S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board
Thomas A. McClelland, Ph.D., Vice President, Advanced Development, Frequency Electronics, Inc.
Bernie McCune, BSc in Biology and ASc in Electronic Engineering from NMSU
John McLean (PhD), Melbourne, Australia, Visitor to the Museum
John A. Michna, BSc Biological Sciences, UI-Chicago ‘74; former ASTM Technical Committee Chair F.03, former
ASTM F.03.40 Chemical Test Methods Subcommittee Chair
George Mihailides, Bachelor of Applied Science, Mathematics & Computer Science
Donald W. Miller, Jr., M.D., Professor Emeritus and former Chief, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of
Washington School of Medicine, Seattle
Tracy C. Miller, PhD, Economics
Steve Milloy, MHS, JD, LLM, Publisher,
Forrest M. Mims III, Rolex Award for developing a handheld instrument to accurately measure the ozone layer and
near daily observations since 1990 of total ozone, total water vapor (the leading greenhouse gas), optical thickness
of the atmosphere and UV-B. Expert reviewer for IPCC’s AR-5. Named by Discover Magazine one of the “Fifty Best
Brains in Science.”
Dr Don Mingay, Physicist, Nuclear/ Solid State Research and Technology Management.
South African based at Wits University and A.E.C.. International at Cal. Tech, Yale, Bell Labs, UKAEA and IAEA.
Recent fifteen year retirement deep focus on both Energy and Climate Change current challenges of both
understanding and decision making. Publications in Nuclear, Solid State, and Technology disciplines
Dennis M. Mitchell, CPA, QEP
H. Lee Mitchell, Hydrogeologist (ret., SC Dept. of Natural Resources); Registered Professional Geologist in South
Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia; Member, Carolina Geological Society
Christopher Monroe
Distinguished University Professor, Department of Physics, University of Maryland
Fellow, Joint Quantum Institute and Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science
Member, National Academy of Sciences
Mr Des Moore has an LSE honours degree and worked for 28 years in the Australian federal Treasury. From thinktanks
(including his own), he has published and spoken widely since 1987. He has disputed analyses by the Club of
Rome and IPCC and advocated a much smaller role for governments. His views on global warming are widely
Patrick Moore, PhD Ecology, co-founder of Greenpeace, Honorary Doctor of Science, North Carolina State
University, National Award for Nuclear Science and History, Einstein Society
Nils-Axel Mörner, PhD, professor, Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics, Stockholm, Sweden
Dr. John L. Nicol (PhD JCU Australia 1975) (Spectroscopist, laser physicist, spectral line broadening analysis) Senior
Lecturer James Cook University of North Queensland Australia; Four years experience in The Clarendon Laboratory,
Oxford UK; Three years Dean of Science at James Cook University
Paul Nixon, Retired High-Tech Executive
Ingemar Nordin, Professor emeritus, Philosophy of Science, Linköping University, Sweden
Jo Nova, BSc Hons University of Western Australia. Molecular Biology
Jim O’Brien, CSR Consulting, Dublin, Ireland, BE, MEngSc, FIAE, FIEI, FIET, Life SenMemIEEE
Brian L. O’Connor, Ph.D.; Professor Emeritus, Dept. Anatomy and Cell Biology, Indiana University School of
Terry Oldberg, M.S.E., M.S.E.E., P.E., Policy Researcher
Cliff Ollier, D.Sc. Emeritus Professor, Geologist with 60 years experience of studying aspects of palaeoclimate and
sea level
Antero Ollila, Dr.Tech., Adjunct Associate Professor Emeritus, Aalto University, Finland
Dr. Jane Orient, MD
President, Doctors for Disaster Preparedness; Executive Director, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons;
Managing Editor, Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons
Lydia Ortega, Professor of Economics, San Jose State University
Dr. Norman Page, PhD. Geology
Garth W. Paltridge DSc FAA, Atmospheric Physicist, Emeritus Professor at the University of Tasmania, and Visiting
Fellow at the Australian National University
Trueman D. Parish (PhD Chemical Engineering); Retired Director of Engineering Research of Eastman Chemical
Dr. Albert Parker, Msc, PhD, Independent Scientist, Engineer
R. Timothy Patterson, PhD, Professor, Dept. of Earth Sciences (paleoclimatology), Carleton University, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada
Mikko Paunio, MD MHS Adjunct Professor of General Epidemiology at the University of Helsinki
Dennis P Pearson, BSc MSc CEng MIET
Peter K. Pearson, PhD, Chemistry
Charles A Perry, PhD, Physics and Astronomy, Hydroclimatology, US Geological Survey Emeritus
Donald P Perry, MS, Biological Sciences, Retired Science Teacher
Gerald Pollack, Professor of Bioengineering, University of Washington, and Executive Director, Institute for Venture
Douglas Pollock, Civil Industrial Engineer, Universidad de Chile, Student of Science and Economics of Climate
Change, Santiago, Chile
George Pontis, Consulting Engineer, Z9 Engineering
Richard S Post, PhD. Fellow American Physical Society; CEO NEXX System, Inc. Retired
Joseph Postma, MSc Astrophysics, UVIT Space Telescope
Patrick Powers MSc, BSc, (Dunelm), Electrical Engineer and Physicist
Brian Pratt PhD, Professor, University of Saskatchewan, Fellow of the Geological Society of America, Past-President
of the Geological Association of Canada, Stratigrapher, Sedimentologist, Paleontologist
Robert.H.L.Richards MA Honours Natural Science (Geology) University of Oxford
Philip Richens, PhD Physics
Professor Peter Ridd, Marine Geophysical Laboratory, James Cook University, Australia
W.C. Rusty Riese, PhD, Retired Geologist and Educator
John P Riganati, Ph.D.; Co-President, New Jersey Technology Solutions Center
Stanley L. Robertson, Ph.D., P.E, Prof. Physics Emeritus, Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Arthur B. Robinson, PhD, Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
Dr. Chad Rodekohr, Associate Professor of Physics, Presbyterian College
Charles T. Rombough, PhD
Rule, Donald W., Ph. D., Physics, University of Connecticut, retired Research Physicist, 37 years with the
Department of the Navy, member of Phi Beta Kappa, the American Physical Society, and the Philosophical Society
of Washington
Fred Rumak, P. Geologist, CO2 Coalition Canada, Alberta Canada
James H. Rust, PhD, Professor of Nuclear Engineering (ret. Georgia Institute of Technology)
Fintan Ryan – ME, C Eng, MIEI, Eur Ing, FRAeS. Senior Airline Captain retired – have dealt with weather and
climate every day in my profession
Dr. Judy Ryan, Member: World Wide Web of Independent Scientists
Murry Salby, Professor of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, University of Colorado (ret)
Peter Salonius MSc, Retired Research Scientist, Natural Resources Canada, Soil Microbiology
Richard L Sauer, PE, MSEE; NASA SC Environmental Systems Engineer (Ret); Col, USArmy, Medical Svc Corps (Ret)
John Scarry, Master of Engineering (Civil), Member, New Zealand Climate Science Coalition
Chris Schoneveld, Ph.D., Geology, Leiden University, Netherlands. 1979. Retired
John A. Shanahan, Dr. Ing., President, Environmentalists for Nuclear – USA
Dr. Thomas P Sheahen, PhD (physics) , M.I.T., Director , Science & Environmental Policy Project
Dr. Fred Sigernes, Prof. Physics – Optics and atmospheric research; Head of the Kjell Henriksen Observatory (KHO);
Leader of Ground-based Instrumentation Group -The Birkeland Centre for Space Science (BCSS)
William H. Snyer, retired Senior Engineer
Professor Jan-Erik Solheim, Physics, Emeritus, University of Tromsø, Norway
Willie Soon, PhD, Astrophysicist and Geoscientist, Salem MA, USA (Recipient of the 2017 Frederick Seitz Memorial
Award from the Science and Environmental Policy Project)
Roberto Soria, Professor of Astronomy, National Astronomical Observatories of China, Chinese Academy of
David South, Emeritus Professor, Forestry and Wildlife Science, Auburn University
William P. Sparling MA-War Studies (Royal Military College of Canada), MA-Disaster and Emergency Management
(Royal Roads University), Applied Science Technologist (ASTTBC)
Edwin W. Spiers, PhD., Retired Physicist
Dr. Meinhard Stalder, Physicist
Walter Starck PhD, Marine Science 1964
Peter Stilbs, Professor emeritus of Physical Chemistry, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
(FRSC, member APS, SKR)
Szymon Suckewer, Professor Emeritus and Senior Scholar, School of Eng. and Appl. Science, Princeton University
Dr. Mitch Taylor, Polar Bear Biologist, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
David J. Theroux, Founder and President, Independent Institute; Publisher, The Independent Review
Frank J. Tipler, Professor of Mathematical Physics, Tulane University
Richard Toland, PhD, PE
Alan D Tomlin, PhD (Entomology & Biochemistry, Rutgers), Research Scientist & Director of Pest Management
Centre, Agriculture Canada (retired)
Ralf D. Tscheuschner, Dipl.-Phys., Dr.rer.nat.
Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt , Professor (retired) at the Chemical Department , University of Hamburg, Chairman of
the German Wildlife Foundation, Hamburg
G Cornelis van Kooten, Canada Research Chair in Environmental Studies and Climate, University of Victoria
Dr Gerrit J. van der Lingen (New Zealand), Geologist & Paleoclimatologist, PhD (Utrecht)
Author of the book The Fable of a Stable Climate
Harry van Loon, Climatologist, formerly of NCAR
Michael Vickers, Emeritus Professor of Archaeology, University of Oxford
Lance A. Wallace, Ph.D. in Astrophysics, City University of New York. 27 years at EPA, Office of Research and
Development (retired)
David Walrod, PhD, Physics MIT
William B Walters, Guggenheim Fellow, von Humboldt Fellow, Professor, Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
James Wanliss, Professor of Physics, Presbyterian College
Dr. Fred Ward, Former T.V. Meteorologist, Researcher and Commentator on Climate Change for Half a Century
Anthony Watts
Former TV meteorologist, publisher of the most visited climate related website in the world,
Carl-Otto Weiss, Professor of Physics, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, Germany
Ruairi Weldon, Writer of 600+ skeptical climate related limericks and hundreds of other anti-alarmist lines of
poetry on the Jo Nova blog
Catherine G White, S.B., 1980, Department of Earth, Planetary, and Atmospheric Sciences, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology
Lawrence A Wilson; Retiree; former CEO Bowater-Scott Australia; Academics – Diplomas Applied Chemistry &
Chemical Engineering (Swinburne Inst. Tech. 1959/61; Bachelor of Commerce (University of Melbourne
1969); Citizen Scientist – intensive study of Science & Politics of ‘Climate Change’ for over 25 years, including over
2500 formal Papers and Books
JWR Whitfield, Fraser Technology
Charles A. Wilson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry, North Greenville University, Tigerville, SC
Professor Thomas Wolfram, Ph.D in Physics from U of Calif. Riverside
Fellow of APS and former Chairman of the Dept of Physics and Astronomy, Univ. Missouri, Coumbia
Author of Several Condensed Matter Physics Books
T.B. Wolters, MSc; Climate Researcher and Chairman, Environment, Science and Policy Foundation
Thomas Wysmuller, Chair Oceanographic Section, 2016 World Congress on Oceans, Qingdao China
Founding member NASA TRCS Climate Group, Houston TX
Wyss Yim DSc, PhD, Earth Systems Scientist, Professor, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, Chinese
University of Hong Kong, Deputy Chairman, Climate Change Science Implementation Team, UNESCO’s
International Year of Planet Earth 2007-2009
S. Stanley Young, Ph.D., FASA, FAAAS, StatisticianBenjamin Zycher, Ph.D., American Enterprise Institute