Killing a child in the womb is a violation of God’s 6th Commandment: “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). The breaking of God’s Law is serious. God says that murderers, thieves,
liars, and all sinners will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire(Revelation 21:8)
God says ” This day I call Heaven and Earth as witness against you that I have set before you Life and Death, Blessings and Curses. Now Choose Life, so that your children may live
and that you may love the Lord your God”.
Therefore, as Chaplain of Camp Constitution, and as a Spirit-Filled Minister, who happens to be Black, by God’s design, I strongly encourage you to read and ponder the work of
Hal Shurtleff, Executive Director of Camp Constitution, and work to abolish this evil of abortion now!
In Christ,
Reverend Steven Louis Craft, M.Div