Camp Constitution’s U.S. Constitution Quiz. How well do you know your freedom manual

US Con pic Camp Constitution’s volunteers man information tables at various venues which include county fairs, home school shows, and Tea Party rallies. Our information tables always have copies of the U.S. Constitution, and, a ten question quiz on the Constitution. Usually, free copies of the Constitution are given to those who take the quiz. Here it is:

Thankfully, thousands of Americans, over the past few years, have been involved in Constitution study groups. The National Center for Constitutional Studies is experiencing a BOOM in orders of the pocket constitutions. Camp Constitution has also taken a role in helping Americans appreciate and learn about the U.S. Constitution. Since the camp’s inception in 2008, the camp has distributed thousands of the pocket Constitutions and we have videotaped Camp Constitution instructor, and made these videos available on Youtube. To see these and other videos, visit our web site and follow the link to our Youtube Channel. A copy of our quiz with answers is available as a free download on our camp’s page.