Camp Constitution Press Reprints “Primary Education Fetich” by John Dewey

Camp Constitution Press has recently reprinted an article by John Dewey, the Father of so-called Progressive Education, entitled John Dewey’s Plan to Dumb Down America: The Primary Education Fetich.” This article was originally published in “The Forum” in 1898. Dewey, a signer of “The Humanist Manifesto,” believed that the public school was to be used as a pulpit to promote the religion of humanism. In this revealing essay, Dewey advocates an illiterate society.

The reprint contains a forward by author, educator and Camp Constitution instructor, Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld. Dr. Blumenfeld was a generation ahead of his time warning people about government education. Hard copies of this reprint are available for $4.00 which includes postage or 4 for $10. Send a check or money order to Camp Constitution C/O Hal Shurtleff 12 March Ave. West Roxbury, MA 02132. Free downloads are available via Camp Constitution’s page: