Global Warming Mostly Human Caused or Mostly Natural:Camp Constitution Instructor Dr. Willie Soon’s February 2023 presentation at ICCC15, Florida (USA)

On February 24th, 2023, CERES co-team leader, Dr. Willie Soon presented a talk at the Heartland Institute’s 15th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC15). His talk was entitled, “Global warming: Mostly human-caused or mostly natural?”

In this talk, he summarized some of the key findings of two of CERES’ recent scientific publications:

  1. P. O’Neill, R. Connolly, M. Connolly, W. Soon, B. Chimani, M. Crok, R. de Vos, H. Harde, P. Kajaba, P. Nojarov, R. Przybylak, D. Rasol, Oleg Skrynyk, Olesya Skrynyk, P. Štěpánek, A. Wypych and P. Zahradníček (2022). Evaluation of the homogenization adjustments applied to European temperature records in the Global Historical Climatology Network dataset. Atmosphere 13(2), 285; (🗄️)

  2. R. Connolly, W. Soon, M. Connolly, S. Baliunas, J. Berglund, C. J. Butler, R. G. Cionco, A. G. Elias, V. M. Fedorov, H. Harde, G. W. Henry, D. V. Hoyt, O. Humlum, D. R. Legates, S. Lüning, N. Scafetta, J.-E. Solheim, L. Szarka, H. van Loon, V. M. Velasco Herrera, R. C. Willson, H. Yan and W. Zhang (2021). How much has the Sun influenced Northern Hemisphere temperature trends? An ongoing debate. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 21, 131. (🗄️) Supplementary Materials available at:

He also discussed the implications these studies have for the findings of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s recent 6th Assessment Report (AR6, 2021).

The slides for his presentation can be downloaded here in either Powerpoint or PDF format:

Soon23-Feb24-Heartland ICCC15 Talk
Download PPTX • 25.29MB
Soon23-Feb24-Heartland ICCC15 Talk
Download PDF • 9.95MB

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Dr. Soon’s talk can be viewed at the following YouTube link:

(The above article originated on the CERES Science blog
Professor Soon will be  an at Camp Constitution’s 15th Annual Family Camp July 16-21: