Pictures from last weeks camp have been added to the camp archives. You can navigate there from the homepage by hovering over the “Camp Items” menu and selecting “Camp Pictures”. There you will find pictures for all the camps from 2009 though 2022. Of course, photos are much more readily available today with practically everyone having a cell phone capable of taking hi resolution photos, but that was not always the case. As such, you will find less photos in some of the older collections. Alternatively, you can click here to visit the Archive. If you run a slideshow and find that the images are too large for your screen resolution, there is a control that has arrows pointing to the lower left and upper right. If you click that, the images will be shown in a 1:1 format that should fit the browser screen. You may down load any of the images in original hi resolution.
Also, the camp newspapers have been uploaded. You can navigate there from the homepage by hovering over the “Camp Items” menu and selecting “Camp Archive”. Once there, select “Camp Journal Archives”. There you will find all the newspapers I could obtain from 2009 through 2022. I also have uploaded the old camp schedules as well. If anyone has hard copies of missing items, please let me or Hal know as we would love to preserve them and upload them to the archive. Alternatively, you can click here to visit the Journal Archive.