Ed Martin, host of Pro America Report recently interviewed Camp Constitution director Hal Shurtleff. Ed’s show is heard on a number of radio stations and podcast platforms: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/shurtleffhal/episodes/2023-11-13T14_02_16-08_00
Hal Shurtleff, director and co-founder at Camp Constitution, joins Ed to discuss his Supreme Court victory last year, in which the Supreme Court upheld his right to fly the Christian Flag in a precedent-setting First Amendment case. Hal and Ed also discuss the importance of educating people about the Constitution.
Ed Martin is the New York Times best-selling author of The Conservative Case for Trump. He’s a former CNN political contributor and has appeared on every major TV network and hundreds of radio stations. He serves as an articulate advocate for Donald Trump’s policies that put Americans first. Formally trained as a lawyer and ethicist, Ed is the president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles and the hand-picked successor to Phyllis Schlafly. He was the Missouri Republican Party chairman and a member of the Republican National Committee from 2013-2015. He lives in Virginia (in the swamp, not of the swamp!) with his wife and four children.