Camp Constitution completed another successful camp. There were 50 campers and 20 adults and a number of visitors who attended this event at the Toah Nipi Christian retreat Center in Rindge, NH- from July 10-16 Instructors included Dr. Mildred Jefferson, N.H. State Rep Dan Itse, Pastor Garrett Lear, “The Patriot Pastor,” local historian Tom Moor, and camper favorite Rev. Steven Craft.
Camper and staff were challenged to a hike up Mt. Monadnock. On Tuesday, the camp took a field trip to historic Concord Bridge and the Concord Museum. Tom Moor gave the campers an historical narrative of the Battle of Concord. Wednesday’s field trip was to the Rindge Historical Society Museum which had in its collection, a document with General George Washington’s signature on it. Campers and staff went out on Thursday morning distributing copies of the U.S. Constitution and educational DVDs. One outreach group distributed over 100 copies of a magazine dedicated to exposing Obamacare to the staff of a local hospital. Professor Marianne Salcetti of Keene State College who is filming a documentary on the Tea Party Movement in New Hampshire accompanied one of the outreach groups.
Mr. Chris Kalis did a superb job organizing recreational activities volleyball, wiffle ball and chess tournaments. Local resident McKayla Fuller served as life guard and did an excellent job supervising recreation on the lake.
This year’s Super campers included David Tomaso of Ohio and Rebecca Cambronof New York. Camp Manager Charlie Everett informed us that the Glenn Beck Show contacted him about Camp Constitution. Next year’s camp will run from July 9-15 at Toah Nipi and plans are being made to start a camp in the South and to publish a book entitled “The Quotable Rev. Steven Craft.”