As you know, Nancy Pelosi and her ilk used the pandemic emergency to try to sneak their own radical agenda into the emergency recovery bill. Specifically, they pushed their attack on private business, private health care and private property as an attempt to enforce the radical Green New Deal. But that is just the beginning!
Now, as the crisis begins to subside and people are looking forward to getting their lives back to normal, the forces behind the Green New Deal are preparing to push even harder to put it into law, especially on the local level.
Once the current threat passes, the Sustainable forces are going to rush into the void to keep much of these emergency powers in place.
They are preparing plans right now to force their agenda in state legislatures and city councils after this crisis passes. They are determined to force the Green New Deal into every corner of our lives. If you’ve hated the empty shelves and the daily uncertainty of the Corona crisis, then you have experienced a small portion of life under the Green New Deal. They are determined to keep many of the massive controls in place. Free enterprise, individual choice, and private property ownership are the main targets.
Here are just a few of the messages the radical promoters of the Green New Deal were issuing on how to use the Coronavirus tactics to promote their green agenda.
- “Global Green New Deal supporters Urge World Leaders to Learn from Coronavirus to tackle Climate Crisis.”
- “The coronavirus pandemic makes what we’ve already known clear: we need a Green New Deal to stop climate change, provide desperately needed jobs, and halt future mass pandemics.”
- Time to switch to Game B – a globally cooperative humanity worth its name…The plan has a name: The Green New Deal.”
- Radical leftist New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the chief sponsor of the Green New Deal, is using the coronavirus panic to attack the property rights of landlords, saying “people shouldn’t be making money off of just owning property.” She is targeting landlords because by destroying them it will force all housing to be government housing – just as called for in the Green New Deal.
- The leftist Governor of California said the coronavirus crisis is “an opportunity to advance a more progressive agenda.”
Can it be any more obvious what the Globalist Left has in mind for the freedoms of the United States?
I want to let you know that while most of the nation has been nearly paralyzed with fear over the Coronavirus, APC has not. I have been preparing plans to move forward in our fight to Stop Agenda 21 and the Green New Deal threat. |