The Weekly Sam: Why Johnny Can’t Read The Movie?

Our late friend Sam Blumenfeld had an active intellect and was always trying to expose the deliberately dumbing down o America.  Here is a letter Sam wrote to Mr. Bob Pfaltzgraff of Moving Pictures Institute back in 2010 suggesting an idea for a movie on the dumbing down of America.  Mr. Pfaltzgraff, who is now the president of Moving Pictures Institute never replied.  But I think I will resend Sam’s letter to Mr. Pfaltzgraff.

S A M U E L L. B L U M E N F E L D
161 Great Road Littleton, MA 01460 781-354-2040

December 16, 2010

Bob Pfaltzgraff
Executive Director
Moving Picture Institute
375 Greenwich Street
New York, NY 10013

Dear Mr. Pfaltzgraff,

Thank you for the great work that you and your colleagues have done at the Moving
Picture Institute in bringing such difficult subjects as “The Cartel” to the screen. I agree
that our semi-literate public needs to learn–by way of movies–of the threats to freedom
that we face. As you know, the subject of education has long been neglected by our
documentary makers, even though the subject has the potential of waking up the nation.
As an author of more than ten books on education, and particularly on the subject of
literacy, I hope I can impress you with the need to produce a film on “Why Johnny Still
Can’t Read.” The subject of the deliberate dumbing down of children in the English
speaking world has been well documented by myself and other writers. My book, The
New Illiterates, revealed that the teaching methods being used in our schools were
actually creating functional illiteracy among the students.

At present, I am working on a new book, School-Induced Dyslexia, that proves beyond
any doubt that our public schools are deliberately creating reading disability among
millions of children by means of the faulty teaching methods being used in our primary
schools. A film exposing this widespread educational malpractice could go a long way
to restoring sanity in primary education.

The story behind the dumbing down process is a fascinating one, with historical
characters that few people know about. Those of us who have done the research are
sitting on a mountain of factual material that would reveal a socialist conspiracy at the
highest echelons of academia that has transformed public education into a gigantic
criminal enterprise.

I would love to sit down with you and your colleagues and give you an idea of the
powerful story that can be told on the screen that could blow the lid off the entire
educational conspiracy against freedom.
Sincerely yours,


Photo from Moving Pictures Insititute’s website