The crisis in the West, in the industrially advanced nations,
and particularly in the United States, is one brought on by the
prevalence of state-controlled education in which the Left has
wielded overwhelming ideological influence on the minds of the
young, thereby creating endless conflicts between disparate
philosophies and world views. The increase in illiteracy, homelessness,
poverty, drug addiction, social disintegration, teenage
rebellion and despair are the results of an education system that
promotes moral subjectivism, situational ethics, behaviorism,
sexual permissiveness, and evolution
By denying the existence of God, of moral absolutes, of the
soul, of the intellect, the system denies children the only true
protection they have against evil. By denying the existence of sin,
the system denies children their only means of understanding and
controlling the satanic spirit that has infected the human race
since the fall of man. The worst thing that we can do to a child
is teach him or her that sin does not exist. It is only through an
acknowledgment of sin that a human being can begin to deal with it.
It is to the credit of a growing number of Christian families
in America that secular public education is finally being recognized
as the destroyer of the moral standards and values which are the
imperatives of a Christian society. The home-school movement is
where the true Christian revival is taking place — not in the
churches, not even in the Christian school.
The revival is taking place within the Christian hom-school
family, where the father has assumed spiritual leadership, where
parents pass on to their children the knowledge, wisdom and values
of a Christian heritage. The revival is based on the family’s
return to Biblical principles in parenting, child-rearing, and
education. God commands parents to educate their children in a
Godly manner. The home-school movement thereby fulfills the
first requisite of revival: obedience to God.
True revival cannot take place in church where Christians
profess to be born again but send their children to public schools
to be corrupted and proselytized by humanists. True revival occurs
when Christian parents take full control of, and responsibilit y
for, their children’s education and, when they do so, in obedience
to God’s commandments.
True revival means true obedience to God’s way. When children
follow God’s way, the y learn to sa y grace at meals, to respect and
honor their parents, to accept God’s plan for their lives. They
learn to love Christ for His gift of salvation. They learn to grow
and prosper within the safe constraints of God’s law but with the
glorious freedom to be God’s child and to exercise one’s talents,
abilities, and special gifts for His glory.
That is the kind of revival that is taking place in the homeschool
movement, where the Christian family has made a radical
decision to break with secular cultural norms and create an entirely
new kind of modern Christian family where obedience to God is
central, where learning is a family affair, where enterprise is
encouraged, and where the latest technology is adapted to God’s
purposes. This is the kind of revival, the kind of movement,
that has the potential of changing America dramatically in the
next two decades and influencing the Western world in general.
Already the American home-school movement is influencing
Christian families in other countries. It is serving as a model
of integrated, happy, loving family life where children live and
work in harmony with their parents, where children are protected
from the dangers of a corrupt, irrational, and increasingly
violent and diseased society. It is a model that is so attractive
that many public-school children admire and envy their home-schooling
neighbors. wishing that their own narents would decide to emulate
The crisis in education in America is a crisis of conflicting
purposes and conflicting goals. The government schools have their
own agenda, and Christian parents have another. Those parents who
persist in sending their children to the public schools help
perpetuate the crisis through their patronage and support of a
system that is in conflict with their own professed belief s. And
the simple truth is that Christians will never wrest control of the
system from the humanists, for the latter have so thoroughly shaped
the system in their own image that no accomodation with Christianity
is even remotely possible. Thus, handing one’s children over to
the humanists for education is tantamount to handing them over to
And so, while the superficial revival of the ’80s made a
great deal of splash through flamboyant televangelism, the true
and profound revival is taking place quietly but steadily among
the home-schoolers~ — where whole families have made a decision
to live according to God’s way. And by their fruits we shall
know them! The home-school family is producing a youngster who represents
the finest expression of the American Christian character: moral
in behavior, peer independent, self-confident, respectful of
elders, self-disciplined, inventive, freedom loving, patriotic,
enterprising, and God fearing. These are the youngsters who will
become the leaders of tomorrow . With enough of them, America
of will once more be a nation worthy of God’s grace, living in obedience
to His commandments.
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