The Weekly Sam: The Dumbing Down of America


    Sam Blumenfeld passed away back in 2015 but his vital work lives on through the Sam Blumenfeld Archives hosted by Camp Constitution.  Over the last few years, we have posted an article every week highlighting a book, article, speech, newsletter or video from the extensive archives.  Today, we highlight a speech he gave in 1994 to a group in Worcester, MA to a group hosted by Concerned Women for America. This audio was converted to video and uploaded on our YouTube channel.

Since we created the archives, we have received literally millions of views and thousands of downloads of Sam’s work.  If you haven’t already, please visit, join and share  the archives:      And to help us maintain and promote this free resource, please consider a donation to Camp Constitution.  Donations can be made on a weekly or one time basis via our PayPal account accessed by our home page