The Weekly Sam: Our Radio Spot For the Blumenfeld Archive

Camp Constitution will be running a radio spot to promote the Sam Blumenfeld Archives-the work of the late homeschool pioneer Samuel L, Blumenfeld.  They will start running on WRKO 6800 AM and WXKS FM from February 12 to February 25.   When Sam passed away in 2015, he left most of his library, papers, and recording to Camp Constitution.  We made a pledge to Sam on his deathbed that we will make sure that his rich legacy will influence future generations.  The archive was created by Mark Affleck, who serves as our camp newspaper editor and our webmaster Eric Conover.  Since its inception, hundreds of thousands of people around the world but mainly in the United States have visited the site and made us of the archived material including his Alpha-Phonics

A link to an audio version of the spot: