The Weekly Sam: Camp Constitution is Making a Difference with the Sam Blumenfeld Archives

We  are delighted over the number of views and downloads the Sam Blumenfeld Archives is receiving.

Here are the stats for the month of May 2017:

Views 2232,335
50.62 GB


Alpha-phonics Workbook 6727

Alpha-phonics Instruction Manual 1241
Are Public Schools Harming Your Kids – CT.mp4 1058
Marlowe-Shakespeare Connection (editor).pdf 1039
America’s Future – On Public Education.mp4 549
Are Public Schools Harming Your Kids – Stockton CA 1986.mp4 513
America First Ep1.mp4 486
Foreign Traffic accounts for roughly 25% of all traffic
Russian Federation 11,042
Australia 5,827
Canada 5,611
And in the past five months:
2017: 845, 081 hits with 29,304 Workbooks downloaded over 5 months.

We pledged to Sam on his deathbed that Camp Constitution will do its utmost to ensure that his rich legacy will live on after he passes.  I think we are off to a good start.  Please help us reach out to more people.  Make a donation today from our PayPal account on our home page

And, of course, visit and share the Blumenfeld Archives


The Blumenfeld Archives