The Mayflower Compact

One of Camp Constitution’s goals is to make America’s  organic documents well known to the American people.  Perhaps the first of those organic documents is the Mayflower Compact.  It was signed on the Mayflower on  November 11, 1620 (old calendar) shortly before the passengers landed on Cape Cod.

It starts off with “In the name of God,  Amen, and the second and final paragraph starts with “Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith…”  Is it any surprise that  students in the public schools and many secular private schools do not teach their students about the Mayflower Compact?

Camp Constitution Press has just printed the Mayflower Compact in frame-able stock.  Copies of this documents that should be on display in the home of all Americans are $2. or 3 for $5.   These can be ordered by calling (704) 288-7270 or by sending a check made out to Camp Constitution to Camp Constitution Attn: Mr. Charles Everett 6420 A-1 Rea Rd. Suite 233 Charlotte, NC  28277.

A downloadable copy of the Mayflower Compact is available on the camp’s web site