Camp Constitution regularly sets up information tables at various venues which include homeschool conventions, fairs, gun shows, and Tea Party rallies. This past weekend, we had an information table at the Crown of Maine Balloon Festival in Presque Isle, Maine.
The items we put out on our tables include books, magazines, pamphlets, brochures, and of course, pocket copies of the U.S. Constitution. In order to engage the participants, we offer a 10-question quiz on the U.S. Constitution, and give away copies of the Constitution to all who take the quiz. The quiz is designed to help us teach folks about the importance of knowing and understanding the Constitution. (A link to a copy of the quiz: http://
Over the years we have had people from all walks of life stop by to take the quiz including elected officials who usually do very poorly. Last Saturday, Miss Maine, Carolyn Brady of Brunswick, Maine, stopped by the table to take our quiz. Carolyn scored a 90 percent. She should have got a 100% but she changed a correct answer to a wrong one. Carolyn told me that she is a government major. She scored the highest of all those who took the quiz that day which included two civic teachers. Many folks who stop by the table are afraid to take the quiz while most who do fail and fail miserably. Our job, however, isn’t’ to embarrass them but to teach them.
A Call to Action:
We have opportunities to reach out to people in our communities and teach them the importance of the U.S. Constitution. I am challenging those who reads this to have their own information table with our quiz. and pocket copies of the U.S. Constitution. Those who are interested are welcomed to contact me. My telephone number is (857) 498-1309.
Hal Shurtleff, Director
Camp Constitution
P.S. A special thanks to Bob Roy, Jack McCarthy, Harold Pelletier, Christopher Cain, and Pat and Michelle Truman for their efforts to help ny trip to Maine a success.