History’s Greatest Libels: An Interview with Steve Byas


Camp Constitution Radio had the opportunity to interview Mr. Steve Byas, author of History’s Greatest Libels: A Challenge to Some of the Great Lies of History.  In  his excellent book, Mr. Byas takes on 11 of History’s libels including the faith of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings, and the truth about Christopher Columbus.   Here is what we find on the back cover of the book:

George Orwell said, “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” Liberals understand that they win victories today by distorting the record of our past. For all their devotion to the merits of tradition, conservatives think a great victory, such as the confirmation of Clarence Thomas, is the end of the battle. Liberals never concede the historical record, and neither should those who believe in limited government, free enterprise, and individual liberty.

In History’s Greatest Libels, Steve Byas takes the battle to the Left, challenging head-on their politicized distortions of the past.

Steve Byas is a professor of history at Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College in Moore, Oklahoma, editor of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper, and a regular contributor to New American magazine.

He has written a high school government textbook, two mystery novels (Digging Up Bones and Sooner Dead), and his work has also appeared in the Tennessee Historical Quarterly.

He lives in Norman, Oklahoma, with his wife, Donna.

A link to the interview on Camp Constitution’s Podomatic Page in MP3 format:  https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/shurtleffhal/episodes/2019-09-10T06_48_50-07_00

And on our YouTube Channel: