Dangers of an Article V Tour in NH and ME with Robert Brown

Camp Constitution Speakers Bureau hosted  a tour of Robert Brown, constitutional scholar and creator of “The Constitution is the Solution” DVD series in New Hampshire and Maine last week January 24-26.   His engagements included two in-studio radio interviews, two press conferences, luncheon presentations to elected officials, and several evening presentations.  The most interesting of all of the events was the press conference held at the Maine State House.  Unlike the press conference we held for Rev. Steve Craft last fall where we enjoyed the presence of reporters from four T.V. stations, and several from Maine’s daily papers, not a reporter was on hand to cover the event.  However, on hand were Mr. Ken Quinn, regional director of the Convention of States, one of the leading organizations promoting an Article V Convention, with 15 or so supporters of Convention of States.  Mr. Brown did an excellent job handling the questions of the attendees.

Special thanks to Adrian Villa, Patricia Truman, Rich Girard host of the Girard at Large Show, Karen Testerman, host of The Right Group, NH state reps Al Baldasaro, and Jeannine Notter, and Mrs. Jeanette Wheeler.