Our 10th Annual Family Camp is two months away. We have what we thing is the best lineup of instructors in our camp’s history. Here is the schedule:
Camp Constitution – 2018 – Daily General Schedule
Lakeside Christian Camp & Conference Center – Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Every Morning: (Monday – Saturday)
6:30 AM Run and/or Polar Bear Swim Optional
7:00 AM WAKE-UP!
7:50 AM Flagpole, Devotions, and Announcements +
8:00 AM Breakfast in Cafeteria
8:30 AM Staff Meeting // Students in Cabins (cleaning & decorating)
Classes (Mon.-Fri.) 9:00, 10:00, and 11:00 AM in Old Chapel near lake
(with mini-breaks in between)
Detailed Class List on other side of this page
Junior Patriot Classes as directed by Mrs Craft ________________________________________
Placement Quiz, and Exit Exam at Cafeteria or Location(s) to be Announced.
12:00 Noon Lunch — Cafeteria: Each camper to take care of own dishes as instructed + Two people from each table to return water pitchers, wipe down
tables, etc., before Recreation! (Unless otherwise instructed!)
1:00 – 5:00 PM: Special Activities: Photos, Hike, Field Trip; Optional Sessions.
Otherwise Recreation includes Swim & Boat activities (when Lifeguard is on duty), and organized competitions and games set up by Mr Kalis. Tournaments may also be organized, but participants have a duty to locate each other, follow charts and arrange times to play!
Evenings: (Sunday – Friday)
5:30 Dinner and Clean-up!
6:30 Class, 7:20 Flagpole
7:45 Class
8:35 Break*
9:00 Campfire – *Bring Flashlight & Song Book; Beware Mosquitoes!
10:00 Break: Snacks** and Camp Newspapers usually available
10:30 in Cabins; 11:00 Lights OUT!
** Pizza Party Friday evening after Campfire!
Saturday – After Breakfast, Cabin & Public Area Cleanup, Pack up your stuff, exchange info, & leave!
Safe Travels to All! Hope to See You Again Next Year!
Camp Constitution – 2018 Class & Event Schedule
4:00—Staff Orientation — Cafeteria — Mr Hal Shurtleff
6:30—Campers (11 years or older) Placement Quiz — Mrs Ruth Harper, Mr Norman Tregenza
7:45—Camper Orientation — Mr Shurtleff, Mr John Hoderny, Mr Chris Kalis, et al.
9:00 AM—Introduction to the United States Constitution —Mrs KrisAnne Hall
10:00 AM—A Reverent Look at the United States Constitution —Lord Monckton
11:00 AM—Defending Your Worldview —Dr Duke Pesta
1:00— Camp Photo (All !) Using Risers at Campfire Pit w/ Richmond Pond (the lake) in Background
2:00— Optional Workshop: C.S. Lewis: Atheism to Apologetics —Dr Pesta
6:30 Get Us Out of the United Nations Mr. John McManus
7:45 The Moral American, B-1! —Mr John Hoderny (boys); Mrs King (girls)
9:00 AM—The Bill of Rights —Mrs Catherine White
10:00 AM—The Global Warming/Climate Change Hoax —Professor Willie Soon
11:00 AM—Liberty Over Security —KrisAnne Hall
After lunch? Optional Recreation: HIKE up MOUNT GREYLOCK
6:30—Articles I – (Legislative), and II – (Executive) of U.S. Constitution —Catherine White
7:45—Attacks on the Union —Mr. Tom Moor
9:00 AM—Agenda 21 to Agenda 2030 —Ms Debbie Baciigalupi
10:00 AM—America’s Godly Heritage Pastor Earl Wallace
11:00 AM—Climate Summit and the United Nations —Lord Monckton
6:30—Red Pill Politics —Mr Dave Kopacz Interviews Lord Monckton and KrisAnne Hall
7:45—Articles III Judicial, IV State Duties, V To Amend, VI Supremacy,Treaties, Treason & VII—Mr Tregenza
9:00 AM—Truth Over Personality —KrisAnne Hall
10:00 AM—Life Under Sharia Law —Pastor William Levi
11:00 AM—Are the Sea Levels Rising? —Professor Willie Soon
3:00 Optional Workshop: Vaccines – Good or Bad? Or Both? —Punyamurtula Kishore
6:30—FINAL EXAM! —Mrs Harper and Mr Tregenza
7:45—Defending Your Worldview —Mr Michael King
9:00 AM—Flags of Our Fathers (And Mothers) Mr. Richard Howell
10:00 AM—Taking Action —Mr King // Off-campus: Community Outreach —Mr Shurtleff
11:00 AM—What Is Money —Mr McManus
3:00 PM Optional Initiative Petitions Mr. Keith Davis
6:30—Exam Review/Graduation
7:45—Closing Ceremonies Hal Shurtleff, Lord Monckton
SATURDAY – After Breakfast, Cabin & Public Area Cleanup, Pack up your stuff, exchange info, leave!
Safe Travels to All! Hope to See You Again Next Year!
To register to camp: /http://camperregsecure.com/campconstitution/
If you aren’t planning on attending but would like to help send a young person to camp, consider a donation. You can do so via our PayPal account accessed on our homepage: https://www.campconstitution.net
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by E-mail or call me (857)-498-1309