Camp Constitution’s YouTube Channel Reaches Over One Million Views


Camp Constitution’s YouTube Channel  recently reached over one million views.  We started the channel in July of 2010, and despite the excellent content, we received a modest amount of views over the years.  But that changed in the summer of 2016 when we were able to dedicate more time promoting  the channel.   Within a short time, we were averaging well over 1,000 views a day.

Our most viewed videos are Professor Willie Soon’s first class at the 2017 camp, close to 150,000, several by Mrs. KrisAnne Hall, and the class conducted by Debbie Bacigalupi at last year’s camp which has received close to 50,000 views.  Our content includes classes, and activities at our annual camps, presentations of our speakers at various events, Camp Constitution Radio shows, on the spot interviews, and events which we attend.  We have created playlists of our instructors, our annual camps, and topics such as Agenda 21, and the U.S. Constitution.

My thanks to all of you who have helped us reach this milestone.   Please continue to introduce our channel to your friends, neighbors, fellow Liberty activists.  One of the most effective ways to introduce out channel to new potential viewers is to copy and paste links to our various videos in the comments sections of on-line articles.

Here is a link to our channel: If you haven’t already, please subscribe, view, share, and promote our channel.


Hal Shurtleff, Director

Camp Constitution