The first six months have been a busy and productive time for Camp Constitution. Here are some of the results:
YouTube Channel: We have close to 1.1 million views and were averaging over 1.200 views per day with close to 4,900 subscribers. Our views have decreased over the past several weeks but that should change with the videos we will upload from our annual family camp. Debbie Bacigalupi’ s class from last year’s camp has received close to 55,000 views. We are converting many of Sam Blumenfeld’s audios from the archive and uploading them on our channel.
The Sam Blumenfeld Archive: Over one million visits. 61,000 Alpha-Phonics downloaded, 9,000 Alpha-Phonics Instructions Workbook downloaded and over 9,000 copies of Sam’s other books. Donations made by folks downloading has been modest but steady.
Podomatic: We are staying in the Top 10 most days and got as far as “7” for the “conservative right” category which has about 160 shows. We had 673 downloads of our radio show, and 3,269 visits.
Facebook Page: We have close to 2,000 people who like our page and reach an average of 400 per week.
Speaker’s Bureau: We had 17 speaking engagements where we conducted power point presentation on the Sam Blumenfeld Archives, Agenda 21, the plastic bag ban, the U.S. Constitution, and the Dangers of an Article V Convention. These presentations were conducted in Pennsylvania, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, and Virginia. We also sponsored five showing of Gosnell The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer.
Information Tables and Outreach We had information tables at numerous events including homeschool conventions in Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, the Red Pill Expo in Hartford, CT, and a float in the Dedham, MA Flag Day Parade
Camp Constitution Press: Thanks to one of our supporters, we reprinted Elementary Catechism on the U.S. Constitution with a foreword by Ruth Harper. We are working on the final touches of Sam Blumenfeld’s School-Induced Dyslexia and How It Deforms a Child’s Brain and plan to put it in print over the next few months.
Camp Constitution Book Sales: We raised approximately $2,500 from our sale of donated books on Amazon, Facebook, and information tables. We had numerous books donated to us over the past six months. We updated our on-line bookstore or shop and have added new items to the shop
Camp Constitution Media: We attended and videotaped the annual Lobby Day at the Massachusetts State House hosted by the Massachusetts Family Institute, a Pro-Life press conference at the State House, a presentation on the life of Joseph Warren by historian Christian Di Spina sponsored by the Sons of the Revolution, a press conference we sponsored with Professor Willie Soon, and Joe D’Aleo, co-founder of the Weather Channel, and co-hosted “Save the Persecuted Christians” Banner Display and Presentation at the Massachusetts State House
Article V Convention: With Norman Tregenza’s help, we organized a group of people to testify in favor of a New Hampshire resolution to rescind its states Article V application. While the resolution was tabled, we got word that we have a good change of passing it next year. We distributed literature on the problems of an Article V Convention at the Pennsylvania State House and gave a presentation on the subject to a well -attended group in Virginia. We send out E-mail alerts to our supporters around the country, and both on Camp Constitution Radio and the radio shows we guest host, we interview experts on Article V including Robert Brown and Joe Wolverton. Not one state where we had “boots on the ground” had any new Article V resolutions pass.
Camp Constitution in the News: Our Christian Flag lawsuit against the City of Boston continues to generate media coverage and we discovered that 15 left-wing groups have filed an amicus brief against us. Thanks to Professor Soon’s influence in the “climate realism” community, a letter to the editor I wrote on Boston’s plastic bag ban, was turned into an article and published on approximately 15 on-line sources including the Heartland Institute, CFACT and Canada Free Press. Our Agenda 21 Cable TV interview in Rutland, Vermont was covered by several media outlets.
Radio and Cable TV: In addition to our weekly radio show, we guest hosted six radio shows, and appear as regular guests every other week on a radio station in Nashua, NH. We appeared as guest on several radio shows for the first time in Albany, NY and Fall River, MA. We were interviewed on six cable TV and on-line shows. Last week, we had a guest appearance on the David Knight Show which has a nation-wide audience
Special Projects: Several week ago, we launched Library Reading Hour Camp Constitution Reading at public libraries and have received several bookings already. We will be creating a page for this project on our website. The documentary Unsustainable is under production and we will have several our instructors participating in the program including Debbie Bacigalupi, Professor Willie Soon, Lord Christopher Monckton, John McManus, Dave Kopacz and me. Since we will be at our annual family camp, the documentary’s director, James Jaeger will film the interviews at camp.
And, we have completed our camp schedule for our 2019 Annual Family and working on making this year’s camp the most successful ever.
How can you help? Here are a few suggestions:
1, Pray that God will continue to bless our efforts.
2, Become a donor. Donations can be made via our PayPal account accessed from our website
3, Attend our annual family camp or, if you can’t attend, help sponsor a worthy young person or family.
4, Sponsor a camp speaker and/or host a “What is Camp Constitution Presentation
5, Subscribe, view and share our videos on YouTube
Thanks to all of you who make our camp program possible.
Hal Shurtleff, Director
Camp Constitution