Camp Constitution’s Six Month Report for 2020
YouTube Channel: We are averaging 12,000 views a month, and have approximately 700 new subscribers. Our most popular video over the past few weeks is Rev. Steve Craft’s Color, Communism, and Common Sense class from last year’s family camp with over 1,000 views. If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes to visit our channel and subscribe.
The Sam Blumenfeld Archive: We had over 900,000 views, 49,000 Alpha-Phonics downloaded, 9,000 Alpha-Phonics Instructions Workbook downloaded and 4,000 downloads of Sam’s other books. This is a huge increase over the first three months.
Camp Constitution Radio on Podomatic: Our listenership has almost doubled over last year with 4,504 visits and 1,729 shows downloaded.
Facebook Page: We have 2,800 total likes with three hundred new likes over the past six months.
Speaker’s Bureau: Prior to the middle of March, we had eight speaking engagements which included an all-day seminar in New York hosted by the Gimenez family. We hosted two videos showing of the movie Unplanned. During the lockdown, we spoke at four Open Up Massachusetts rallies. Rev. Craft, Tom Moor, Rich Howell spoke at the annual Flag Day-Second Amendment Rally in Central Massachusetts
Information Tables and Outreach: Prior to the lockdown in March, had information tables at several venues, and a first-time presence at the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. During the lockdown, we had information tables at the annual Flag Day Second Amendment Rally in Massachusetts, and for the first time, we had an information table at the Heaven’s Saints Motorcycle Club Rally in Helen, Georgia
Camp Constitution’s Website: We are seeing a steady monthly increase with over 18,000 views from January to June. Our on-line shop is enjoying brisk sales over the past month.
Camp Constitution Press: We published Sam Blumenfeld’s School-Induced Dyslexia and How It Deforms a Child’s Brain, reprinted Negroes in a Soviet America and American Negro Problems. These were Communist Party pamphlets that were reprinted by Patriot groups in the 1950s and 1960s to show how the Communists were promoting race hatred. And, we will be reprinting And Not a Shot if Fired
Camp Constitution Book Sales: We had brisk sales from our Amazon account during the lockdown raising approximately $4,000 from our Amazon and Facebook page. We also saw an increase of sales from our on-line shop. We continue to be blessed with book donations.
Camp Constitution Media: We videotpaped three Open Massachusetts Rally events, and the Flag Day-Second Amendment Rally. We were on hand to videotape an event in Northern Maine with Coach Dave Daubenmire, and David Author; a presentation by Stephen Coughlin, one of the nation’s top experts on Islam held in Virginia; a presentation on George Washington’s Crossing of the Delaware by historian, and author Robert Allison in Greater Boston sponsored by the Sons of the Revolution, and a wreath laying ceremony in Boston to honor the victims of the Boston Massacre sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution. We also videotaped several presentations which we sponsored. We continue to do live facebook videos including one in front of a Confederate monument in Marion, Virgina with over 16,000 views.
Article V Convention: A resolution in New Hampshire to rescind their state’s application was overwhelmingly passed in committee and is expected to be passed by the full House. We were interviewed on an internet show hosted by Evan Mulch to discuss the Conference of States, and we continue to educate people about the dangers of an Article V Convention especially in the wake of the civil turmoil we are experiencing.
Camp Constitution in the News: Our Christian flag lawsuit was back in the news in January and again in June: And, we were mentioned in several newspaper articles and Boston area TV stations due to our participation at Open Up Massachusetts Rallies.
Radio and Cable TV: During the lockdown, we were guests on numerous radio shows including the Ed Martin Movement Show with a national audience and several appearances on the Chris McCarthy Show which airs in the New Bedford, MA area.
The Lane House and Learning Center: Rev. Steve and Mrs. Edith Craft are now the resident caretakers of the Lane House and I have become the manager. Camp Constitution has already sponsored several events at the house, and will be using it on a regular basis. It will also house Sam Blumenfeld’s papers and books including some of his original manuscripts.
Camp Constitution’s 12th Annual Family Camp: We expect the largest turnout in our 12 year history.
Here are a few suggestions to help us expand our program and influence:
* Write an article for our camp blog.
* Become a donor. Donations can be made via our PayPal account accessed from our website
* Attend our annual family camp or, if you can’t attend, help sponsor a worthy young person or family.
*Sponsor a camp speaker and/or host a “What is Camp Constitution Presentation
, * Subscribe, view and share our videos on YouTube
* Keep Camp Constitution in your prayers, and pray for our nation.
Our mission statement is summed up in our motto: Honoring the Past….Teaching the Present……Preparing the Future
Thanks to all of you who help make Camp Constitution possible.
Hal Shurtleff, Director
Camp Constitution