Camp Constitution’s 1st Annual Ladies Retreat Singing Hills Christian Camp October 2-4

   We are hosting  a ladies’ retreat at Singing Hills Christian Camp  in Plainfield, NH.  The keynote speaker is Barbara from Harlem (See bio below).  In addition Mrs. Edith Craft will be leading devotionals, Mrs. Maura Shurtleff will teach us how to make a holiday wreath and another surprise.  Mrs. Keiko Bernardi will be getting our blood moving each morning with a light stretch.  An easy community project will be detailed for you to bring back to your home community.  Mrs. Catherine White is working on a shooting range session.   Tabletop discussions covering home schooling and other school alternatives as well as innovations to expanding camp will be included.
  We kick things off at 5:00 PM Friday night with a pot luck supper.  There will the ability to keep your dish cold or a place to plug in your crock pot.  If you would like to share your recipe email it to: and copies of your recipe will be placed next to your dish.
 Three meals on Saturday and two on Sunday will be provided by the excellent Singing Hills chef.  S’mores will be enjoyed at the nightly campfires.  Anyone that would like to share their musical or other entertainment talents are encouraged to come prepared.   Cost for lodging, meals and supplies is $200. (Bring your own linen).  Payments can be made via our PayPal account accessed from our website’s homepage:  or by check payable to Camp Constitution and sent to Maura Shurtleff 12 March Ave. West Roxbury.  Deadline is Friday September 25.    See you in the beautiful New Hampshire mountains for a weekend of fellowship, fun, rest with sister patriots. For more info. please call Maura Shurtleff at (857) 498-1310.
  Barbara from Harlem’s Bio:
   I am Barbara from Harlem and my God, my Country, and my Conscience are my guides. 

I was a liberal by default. I asked no questions. I had no answers. I just pulled the lever to vote for Democrats as was expected of me. Most of my fellow Black Americans do not fully understand what the term “liberal” means, or who or what they are voting for. And, in turn they don’t realize how harmful those “liberal” policies are to our freedoms and liberties as Americans.

I was born into a culture that believes Black equals Democrat. A broken home, failed marriage, and a feeling of victimization fueled my need for inclusion, which the Democratic Party fulfilled. As an activist and member of the NAACP and Democratic Clubs in Harlem, the men I looked up to—the Rev. Jesse Jackson (whom I also campaigned for), Congressman Charlie Rangel, and Rev. Al Sharpton—reinforced the negative perceptions that shaped my world.

But just like false prophets, the false narrative that has been spoon-fed to us by Black leaders, the Black community, the media, and progressive politicians has enslaved Blacks in a victimhood mentality and entitlement mindset.

But my eyes were opened to reject victimhood and lack of accountability. My journey has proven to me that when you have clarity of conscience, love of God, and a deep-seated belief in America’s goodness, your life will be enriched and your focus will change to one of accountability.

I am Barbara from Harlem. I fought my way out. You can too.