Camp Constitution lost its long-time head counselor and friend with the passing of John Hoderny. I first met John at a camp in Pennsylvania in 1990 and was impressed by his dedication and patriotism. He had served as a counselor and head counselor bringing his children and then grandchildren with him since the mid 1970s. When I was tasked with running a second week-long camp in Ohio in 2001, I said that as long as I have John Hoderny as head counselor, it will be fine. And it was. When Camp Constitution was formed in early 2009, John was one of the first persons who offered his support and from our first family camp to 2019, John was there to lead, teach, and inspire. In addition to his head counselor and teaching duties, John would take hundreds of pictures of all of our activities, and on the last night of camp, stay up all night to make DVDs to give to campers and staff before departing camp.
John will be missed, but never forgotten. He was a Christian and we know he is at home with the Lord. A link to his obituary:
John’s “Moral American” Class 2017
John Hoderny with campers at our morning flag raising 2019