Camp Constitution is sponsoring a speaking tour for author and documentary producer Vince Ellison

Camp Constitution Speaker’s Bureau is pleased to announce that it will sponsor a speaking tour of Vince Elison in the Greater Boston and Lakes Region of New Hampshire.   On Friday May 3–7:00 PM, Vince will be speaking at One Cranberry Hill in Lexington, MA and on Saturday May4–7:00 PM at the Alton Senior Center 7 Pierson Rd. Alton, NH    We are still waiting for confirmations for a Thursday evening May 2 and Saturday morning May 3.  Admission is free.  Donations are accepted.  RSVPs are suggested since seating is limited.

Vince is the author of The Iron Triangle: Inside the Liberal Democrat Plan to Use Race to Divide Christians and America in Their Quest for Power and How We Can Defeat Them, 25 Lies, and Crime, INC. He has appeared numerous times on Hannity, The Laura Ingraham Show, Newsmax, Tucker Carlson, OAN, The Joe Pags Show, The Brian Kilmeade Show, and on many other radio and television programs.

Vince recently started a show which airs on YouTube.  Please view, share and subscribe to his channel.