Camp Constitution is sponsoring a speaking tour for author and documentary producer Vince Ellison

Camp Constitution Speakers Bureau is pleased to announce that it is hosting a speaking tour for Mr. Vince Everett Ellison, author and documentary producer in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire from Thursday May 2 to Saturday May 4.


Rhode Island:

Thursday May 2

 East Warren Rod and Gun Club.  24 Long Ln. Warren.
Time:  4:00 PM
Food and beverages available for sale
Mr. Ellison will start speaking around 6:00 PM
This event is hosted by CORR USA
Friday May 3:
12:00 Noon A luncheon at a private residence in Lexington, If interested, E-mail me for more info.
7:00 PM  One Cranberry Hill Lexington
New Hampshire
Saturday May 4:
11:00 AM Charlies Barn Community Center 29 S. Village Rd. Loudon, NH
7:00 PM  Alton Senior Center 7 Pierson Rd. Alton, NH
All events are free.  Donations accepted.
 Mr. Ellison’s bio:
Vince‘s Bio:  Vince Everett Ellison was born on a cotton plantation in Haywood County, Tennessee. His parents at that time were sharecroppers. Through hard work and a belief in Jesus Christ, his parents pulled him and his seven siblings out of poverty. His family started the Ellison Family Gospel singing group, where Vince sang and played multiple instruments as a child and young adult. Vince worked for five years as a Correctional Officer at the Medium/Maximum Kirkland Correctional Institution in Columbia, SC. Afterward, Vince worked in the nonprofit arena.

In 2000, Vince received the Republican Party nomination for the South Carolina 6th Congressional District. In 2019, Vince wrote The Iron Triangle: Inside the Liberal Democrat Plan to Use Race to Divide Christians and America in their Quest for Power and How We Can Defeat Them, which became an Amazon #1 bestseller. He has appeared numerous times on Hannity, The Laura Ingraham Show, Newsmax, OAN, The Joe Pags Show, The Brian Kilmeade Show, Tucker Carlson, and many other radio and television programs.  He is the producer of the documentary “Will You Go to Hell For Me.” His latest book is Crime INC.
Vince speaking at Camp Constitution’s 2023 annual family camp: