Dear Greta,
We, the Youth of Camp Constitution, writing to you from all over the United States, invite you to Camp Constitution July 19-24, 2020 in the beautiful mountains of New Hampshire. We have so much fun at Camp Constitution. It’s informative and it’s a special place where great minds meet to honor the past, teach the present, and prepare the future. At Camp Constitution we come together to seek understanding about our natural world. Experts in all different fields lead us in conversation and as young people we get the opportunity to learn and share our ideas during the discussions.
We promise that you, too, will have fun and get your youth back through various activities such as sports tournaments and singing by the campfire. After many years attending Camp Constitution we know our future is bright and if you are able to attend yours will be too. We can help you distinguish fact versus fiction and help you see the truth. And, we hope that your disposition on the climate changes. To see what you can expect at our 2020 camp, please visit our 2019 video playlist:
If you are able to attend, please contact us either by our website or by contacting the director Mr. Hal Shurtleff.
God bless you,
Prayerfully yours,
Camp Constitution Youth