Refuting Left-Wing “Virtue Signaling” Lawn Signs by Darrell Pack

I am disturbed by the evil and dishonesty of these signs. Since they have never in my own knowledge been responded to, I will in the hope that people will not be deceived. Worse, is when you find this in front of a Christian household, a pastor’s household, or even a Church.
In this house, we believe:    As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15
Love is Love: Sex is not Love.
 No, Love is not Love. The Bible distinguishes types of love. They are communicated through four Greek words (Eros, Storge, Philia, and Agape) and are characterized by romantic love, family love, brotherly love, and God’s divine love. Many Languages have multiple words for Love. In Arabic there are 11. But in the context of this yard sign, it is referring to sex. In particular, it refers to what people do because it feels good. Sex is not love. In fact, not only is it about self-gratification, but it is also often used as violence against others as in the case of Rape. In the last several years, within the midst of this same group of people, there has been a concerted effort to normalize sexual relations between adults and children. This is one of the worst-case examples of false moral equivalency perpetuated by the morally bankrupt people who would display this disgusting sign in their yard.
Black Lives Matter: All Lives Matter in the eyes of the Lord.
 Black Lives Matter has become a rallying cry for the Marxist Left. In the words of the founders of BLM, they are trained Marxists., This slogan was created to divide us based on race. This is a group that calls for reparations based on the evils of Slavery, yet most people in America, even at a time when it was prevalent, did not own slaves. Additionally, these same people say and do nothing about the slave trade which is still in existence to this day. While it is impossible to know, according to the Thomas Reuters Foundation, in 2018 there were more than 40 million people in the world in Slavery.  These organizations do nothing but undermine a country that outlawed slavery more than 156 years ago.
No Human is Illegal: But their actions often are.
 So why is the left so intent on bringing people illegally into the country? Because that is how they support politicians with a socialist agenda.  People who believe in Liberty understand that this is a way to break down traditional American values and worse, traditional family values because with people illegally coming across our border are rapists, drug cartels, terrorists, and criminals. They are not here to assimilate. While many people are in search of a better life, this creates a dangerous environment for those innocent people as well. If America is so bad, why are those people taking such great risks to get here? Why is the Left (Socialists and Marxists) trying to change it?
Science is Real :But they do not follow Science.
 This is to perpetuate the idea of manmade climate change and false pandemic protections on our nation. It is not science to say that science is settled or prevent proper research and challenges to scientific theory. Yet they silence opposing voices, including some of the top scientists in the world if they disagree with the leftist political organizations. Science is ever-changing and never settled; however, some people will ignore science when it comes to gender. They ask everyone to be accepting of gender dysphoria as if it is a legitimate and sensible point of view.  Science says it is a dangerous mental disorder that often leads to suicide even after gender reassignment surgeries and therapies. They attempt to make it illegal to challenge this view, yet they claim science is real. One thing is for sure. Hypocrisy is real. They ignore the science that contradicts the Leftist narrative. Real science is not created by consensus. Consensus is not created by the limited samples of leftist political organizations.
Woman’s Rights are Human Rights Well, Human Rights are Women’s Rights.
 Following this logic, a baby in the womb is not human with rights. This is even more hypocritical if the baby aborted is a female. Let’s face it, if we were talking about human trafficking (like what happens at our open borders) conservatives would be in agreement, but considering their position that no person is illegal, this is not what they are talking about. The truth is that this is about abortion. Abortion is inconsistent with Christianity. Psalm 139: 13-16 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well.  15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Perhaps this would be more honest if the sign read abortion is a Human Right. This is actually listed in the UN Charter of human rights. In actuality, that is what this means. Anyone who is properly educated in the origin of rights knows that this cannot be a right because it is exercised at the cost of another individual’s rights. If those on the left were to say exactly what they mean, their ideas would be rejected by most, at least by intellectually honest and thinking people.
Kindness is everything Kindness without truth is not kindness. It is deception.
 If you are in Unity but not in Truth, you are united against Christ.

Darrell Pack is the hosts Restore the Intent Constitution Study Group in Alton, NH and is the owner of Lakes Region Cabinet Company.